The Cripple

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Title: The Cripple
Requested? No.
Plot: You and Ivar always have each other back and you are the first woman to make him feel happy. You get pregnant and Ivar thinks it's not his child, and so you run away and live with Lagertha, giving birth to twins, under almost fatal circumstances. One day, Ivar comes upon Lagertha's earldom, and sees his children for the first time.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1956


"Are we really bringing this cripple along?"
The question rang in Ivar's ears and he prepared to spit an angry comment back at the person who has asked this question behind him. Until he heard your voice, and a small chuckle vibrated through his chest.
"Is there a problem with that?"
You began, already annoyed by this person, who didn't even know who they were talking about, but still decided to speak out.
"It doesn't even matter, does it? After all, you are the all powerful warrior who is going to lead us into victory, right? Oh, wait, I am mistaken, you don't even have an army. That "cripple" is the son of Ragnar Lothbrok, but more important, he is Ivar the Boneless, and he is the leader of this army. And if I were you, I wouldn't talk about Ivar the Boneless like that to my face! Leave now, or I will kill you."
You finished, feeling angrier than you ever felt in your entire life. The man walked away, shaking his head, which made you roll your eyes, as he still thought his opinion was important.

You sighed as you sat down next to Ivar, hoping he didn't hear the comment of the stupid man. But he did, and he let you know by giving you a compliment.
"Nice to know you always have my back."
He stated, looking at you with a small smile, which you couldn't help but mirror. You apologised for using the word cripple, you hated doing that, because you knew Ivar's true power was because of his legs. You two started having feelings for each other when you arrived from your earldom with your father, to help them as they needed it to revenge Ragnar. You decided to stay behing for a while, to see how the life in Kattegat was working, and you spent more and more time together, eventually falling in love. You spent your time talking and training, and you proved how much you cared the next day in battle, when you ran across the battlefield once you saw he was thrown off his carrige and a man was swinging his sword at him. You stepped in the middle of them and blocked the attack with your axe and with one swift motion, you plunged your weapon into their abdomen, tearing through it.

You look back and see Ivar already looking at you. You both flash a smile at each other and he quickly crawls back to his carriage and comes back to the fight. Towards the end of the battle, you saw the man who made the comment about Ivar yesterday, with a sword in his stomach and you couldn't help but feel happy, the Gods have repayed him for being an idiot. After the fight was over and the viking army, along with you, were grabbing everything you need to go back to the camp you set up not far away, you felt sick, and rushed over to a tree, resting your hand on it as you threw up. As you regained your breath, your other hand grabbed your stomach. It can't be, can it? You felt different these past few days and you thought about that possibility in the back of your mind, but you didn't think it was true. Could it be that you are with child? Margrethe rushed to tell everyone he could not please a woman, but with you it was different. He had no trouble pleasing you, as you are a real woman, and not a little girl like her. It was weird to you at first, but it was like that. Perhaps you are the true woman for Ivar after all.

Time passed, and you felt more pregnant every day. Even several of your friends noticed it, but once Lagetha asked you about it did you finally start believing it was the truth. But there is one person who shocked you with his reaction.
"That is not possible! Who were you sleeping with?! How could you cheat on me?!"
Ivar's words burned your heart and you were in tears. How could he even think that you would cheat on him? After failing to convince him he was the only man who could be the father of your child, you ran away from home, not listening to anyone who called your name behind you. There was only one person who you would stop for, but that person was not calling your name. After wondering around the empty fields for a while, you decided to go to Lagertha's earldom. You lived with her, through your pregnancy and soon realised you were having two babies, as you felt two of them kick inside your stomach. It was close to the time when you were supposed to give birth and you just wished Ivar was here with you through it all. And so you went out, hoping to see him and see if he changed his mind.

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