Shield Maiden

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Title: Shield Maiden
Requested? No.
Plot: You are a shield maiden, you've known Björn your whole life and watched him fall in love and share his life with other women, never confessing your feelings to him. He soon starts having some feelings for you, and one faithful event causes him to see his true feelings for you, only this time, you want nothing to do with him.
Warnings: Cursing.
Word count: 2028


The children's laughter filled the air. Erik and several other children you were taking care of were trying to braid your hair as you held Refil in your arms. Guthrum was playing with the older children, but close enough for you to keep an eye on him. You loved all children, but you loved those three boys the most, because you also felt that this was a way for you to be near a part of him. A part of the man you loved all this time, ever since you were little.The man you watched fall in love with other women, when your heart ached for him. You know Björn ever since you were kids. Growing up together, you started having feelings for him. You were planning to confess everything to him one night, but you noticed he was taking an interest in a slave girl named Þórunn. During the day leading up to the night you wanted to confess your feelings to Björn, you were walking through the woods and saw him about to have sex with the slave girl.

Your heart broke and you decided not to tell him how you feel. You stayed silent and supportive as his love for her was growing, and eventually they got married and Þórunn became pregnant. Being a shield maiden, close to Lagertha, you got to fight next to his side, and tried your best to focus on living your own life. Soon, due to her loss of confidence after her face was scarred during one battle, Þórunn disappeared out of Björn's life, leaving her daughter Siggy behind. You had left to live with Lagertha, rather than staying close to Aslaug, who you hated to the core, but you came back to Kattegat to see how Björn was doing. When he told you what happened you told him you would do anything you can to help him. He smiled at you and thanked you, your heart feeling like it was gonna jump out of your chest. You prayed to the Gods every day to keep him safe when he left to the woods in the winter.

Once you saw him arrive at Lagertha's earldom one day, you couldn't be happier, that is until you heard that he came there to take Torvi with him to Kattegat. Once again, you were left to look on as he was with another woman. Lagertha knew you loved Björn, and would often console you when you felt like you missed him too much. Years passed, Erik was born, and than Refil, and you started to think that you would never get to tell Björn how you felt about him. One day you saw him walk off with Astrid, Lagertha's right hand, and decided to follow them. But you regretted you decision once you saw they were having sex.
"I fucking hate him. I hate him! That asshole!"
You yelled and trashed your room until Torvi came in to calm you down. You couldn't tell her what you saw, no matter how much you wanted to. You wanted to destroy him, but that was just the spur of the moment, and you knew that. So you continued to act like everything was alright.

You looked up from Refil's adorable little cheeks with a smile on your face and were met with a pair of beautiful blue eyes, the eyes you loved so much. Björn was staring at you having fun with the children, and he had a focused look on his face, trying to pinpoint if the pace his heart was beating at was because he was running, or if it had something to do with you. That night, when you put the children down to bed you slowly exited the room, only to bump into someone's chest and strong arms wrapped around you. You almost screamed, but you noticed it was Björn. You two spent a few moments staring into each others eyes, when he suddenly pressed his lips to yours. You didn't know how to react, so you instinctivly kissed back, but you soon pushed him away and slapped him. You tried walking away, but he pulled you back to his chest.
"I know you love me."
He whispered, to your shock. How did he know? Did he talk to Lagertha? You decided that you didn't want to have anything to do with him now.
"Yes, I do. But I am not going to be your fourth choice. I value myself more than that."
You whispered back and wiggled out of his grip, this time, he let you walk away.

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