You Can't Be Serious

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Title: You Can't Be Serious
Requested? Sort of.
Plot: 27. Your ex shows up with a birthday present
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1330


Oh birthdays, I could say so many things about those moments, when you want to feel like it's a day all about you, and everybody is celebrating you and the day you were born, but among all of that, you realise that you are just getting older, with no clear path or ability to see into the future about what your life is going to be like in a few years and will you be stable. Okay, well, that's not what a lot of people think, in fact, I don't think that they should take it so seriously like I have started to take it a few years ago. After finishing school, I realised how many work was actually waiting for me and how amazing the days of school were, when you didn't have to worry about anything, and the most important thing you should do is study. I've always admired people who were in school and also had a job, some even had two, while I, on the other hand was extremly terrified I was gonna miss out on school if I get a job and that I won't be able to juggle everything.

After finding a job, I devoted my entire life towards success, and normal family and friends gatherings were next to impossible. I didn't realise that I needed to enjoy every single day and make every minute a new little adventure. I was always afraid of what might be waiting for me once I round a corner. And then, a few years ago, I met this wonderful man, as I accidentally spilled my coffee on him as I was rushing back to work, after about five minutes of my half an hour break. I didn't want to waste any more time I could be spending working on anything more than a coffee and a chocolate croissant. I excused myself to the man and as I looked up, I saw exactly who I was dealing with here. Tom freaking Hardy was standing in front of me, his eyes examining his coffee stained shirt and then looking up to meet my 'oh crap' face, as I imagined someone, like his agent or bodyguard, was gonna come in and inform me that they will me making a complaint for my behavior. After I noticed he was looking at me I once again went into apologise mode, and tried my best to explain that I was in a rush and everything is a mess at the office, when I was cut off.

"Hey, hey, it's fine, don't worry about it."
He was being so kind about it that I just felt even worse, quickly getting an idea, telling him to give me a second and ran off. I remembered who's clothes he was wearing, and I went and bought the exact same shirt and jacket from the same designer. I was saving money to go on a vacation, but knowing me, that was not gonna happen anytime soon. Once I returned to the cafe, I searched for him, trying to regain my breath, and I saw him standing next to the men's bathroom, trying his best to hide, in case someone recognised him. I walked over to him and handed him the bag.
"Accept this as a token of my apology."
He was confused at first, but once he noticed what was in the bag he smiled at me, saying I shouldn't have done that, but my constant insisting cracked him and he agreed to take the bag. He asked me if he could buy me another coffee and I looked at my watch, realising I was close to be running late to work and asked him if we could reshedule.

We exchanged numbers and I was back to rushing to work, this time with no dangerously hot items to pour on dangerously hot men. He somehow managed to talk me into getting that coffee with him, and don't immediately think the only reason is because he's Tom Hardy. Okay, fine, that was a major reason, but not the only one. Ever since that coffee, we have stayed in touch and after being friends for some time our gatherings started to slowly turn into dates and soon enough we were in a relationship. For my first birthday with him as my boyfriend, he bought me a book, that made me think I was wrong all this time. The book was titled 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' by Robin Sharma. The more I was reading it, the more I realised I was being to hard on myself and needed to relax more. And with Tom by my side, it was a little bit easier to start switching from workaholic to a person who attends the most important meetings, family meetings. And now, four years later, I'm a completely different person, and Tom and I are still going strong.

But above all that, I did not expect today to be one of my most eventful birthdays ever. Tom had organised a surprise party for me, and we were all having a great time, that is until my ex showed up with a birthday present. Tom was a little farther away from the door and his lips were slightly parted, as his gaze switched from my ex to me, as I walked over to greet him. I consider all of my exes as my friends, and most of them really are, but Tom didn't have the same opinion. He always had the feeling that one of them if not a few of them wanted me back. I would always regard that as just his jealosy, but I didn't even know how close he was to the truth, at least with this particular ex. I'm guessing his nerves got the better of him as he saw my ex toast, a little too much for his liking, to my well being and happy birthday, and so he took out his cigarettes and started smoking. He didn't want to cause a scene. considering it was my birthday, but as he saw my ex was getting a little too close, and not even paying attention to me moving away from him and trying to tell him to back off as nicely as I could, he decided not to stand and look any longer. He blew out some of the smoke of the cigarette, annoyance filling his eyes, as he let out the last of the smoke, turning away from a friend he was standing with, not even saying a word and approached us.

"Listen buddy, I would really appreciate it if you could move away from my girlfriend, before I break every bone in your face. If you couldn't tell, she's with me now, and that means your flirting is gonna get you nowhere, so take into consideration that it's her birthday and I don't want to cause a scene, but if you don't leave her alone, I will, and you are truly not gonna like it."
If looks could kill. I wrapped your arms around Tom's, hoping he would calm down a little, and it seemed like he did, looking over at me with a smile and placing a kiss on my forehead, before once again giving my ex the death stare. I once again asked him nicely to just leave, and after a few moments of hesitation, he turned on his heel and walked away.

"My saviour. What would I ever do without you?"
I joked, walking over to stand in front of Tom, my arms around his waist as he was watching my ex, making sure he was gone, and then he turned back into my loving boyfriend, placing his own arms around my waist, his glare softening as he eyes met mine. We both chuckled and I planted a 'thank you for handling it like a real man' kiss on his lips. We could finally get back to having an awesome time. 

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