Important Dates

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Title: Important Dates
Requested? Sort of.
Plot: 29. A collection of notes, photos, and trinkets all from previous dates
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1241


"I'll be sure to pick the papers up tomorow, on my way into work. Thank you, I look forward to seeing you at the meeting tomorrow."
You hung up the God knows which client phone call from this morning. Things were going great, you were about to make a deal with one of the wealthiest corporations in your business. You felt good about it and hoped to astound them at tomorrows meeting. But as you looked up at the clock hanging on your wall, you noticed it was almost time to leave, and you sighed, falling back slightly in your chair. You could say that you are one of the lucky ones who manage to balance out your personal life and your career. You knew exactly when it was time to be professional and when you could lay back and enjoy what you accomplished. Not to mention, your love life was going great too. You and Tobias were madly in love, even after, ironically, four years of dating. You were handling the paperwork for all the initiations, even though you transferred from Erudite to Dauntless, your mother, the infamous Jeanine Matthews, still let you stay in that possition.

It would be an understatement to say that you two did not agree on certain things, like the fact that all Divergents should be killed, and of course, your relationship with Tobias. But you always make it clear to her that you chose your fraction and that thus she has no say in it, and if she wanted, you would be fine with leaving your possition. Today is exactly four years since you and Tobias started dating. Your nick name is Five, because of your five fears, but that's only to the Dauntless and others. Between you two, you were Tobias and Y/N. You hadn't seen Tobias all day and you were extremly confused that he didn't even call you. But you figured he had some issues with Dauntless initiates. Coming home, to your shared apartment, you called out to Tobias, but were only met with the echo of your own voice. You frowned, but walking into the kitchen you noticed a piece of paper, stuck to the fridge. It read a date, and next to it was a Dauntless trinket. It was the date you transferred to the fraction, and you smiled, putting the trinket in your pocket, opening the fridge to grab some juice.

Tobias should be here soon, and if not, you would go look for him. You somehow always prefered to drink from a mug instead of a glass and you went to the cupboard to grab your favourite mug, only to find it also had a note stuck to it. It was the date of when you had your first victory in a fight, being trained by Four. You smiled and remembered the proud look on his face when you were pronounced the winner. You also remember that he gave you another trinket, this time with th first letter of your name next to the number of your fears, and that you were worried it would break and so you keep it in a box in your drawer. So you went to your room and opened the drawer. You were met with the box and a photograph next to it, of you and Tobias kissing, and you realised there was a pattern going on. And you went to a park, or better what remains of it, all the images coming back to you, the first kiss. A small box was on the bench where the two of you were sitting when you first kissed and inside you found a note that said:
'I'm not used to this. thing.'
Which was what he said on your first date. Which lead you back to your apartment, where you had dinner. And you found another note on the table.

It went on for a while, about a couple more notes leading you to several areas where you two went on dates, and by the end, you were on your eight note and trinket/photograph that went along with some notes.
'One more and it would be the total of both number of our fears combined.'
You thought to yourself, looking for another possbile note. This one was a little harder to find as he hid it from other Dauntless people. You were lead here by a trinket he left of your favourite animal, and so you went to what once was the zoo, where Dauntless initiates would sometimes jog, lead by their trainers and so it was important that nobody sees it but you. You remembered Tobias' fear of high grounds and so you searched near the ground and found a necklace with a diamond like heart, and a note that said 'I love you' and a date. A date of the first time he said he loved you. Finally you thought you had nine items and notes, your scavanger hunt was over and you were ready to scold him for making you run around and remember dates and sentances you exchanged during a period of four years.

But you planned to hug him right after, that's for sure. It was the most romantic thing you ever saw in your life happen to anyone and it was happening to you. You were always an artistic soul and Tobias surprised you for your birthday with a room in the apartment that would be your art room, and you were on your way there. Walking in, you gasped, as you were met with Tobias, on one knee, waiting for you. As he saw you, he pulled out a small black box from his pocket and opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring you ever saw. He began, saying how he wanted to take you back through everything, every step with the notes, and how nine was the perfect amount of your fears joined together, because in reality, when you were together, you didn't fear anything, knowing the other one was there by your side. And four being the perfect number of years for dating, because of four years you helped him through his four fears and he mentioned those four years for being the happiest he has ever been. You were taken through it all from the first moment, just like he was as he was setting it up, and he continued his speech, with how much you mean to him, using references only the two of you know, as you lived through it, together.

"I love you so much, and I don't really want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want to be your husband. Will you marry me?"
By the end of his loving monologue, you were in tears, your hand cupping your mouth, but you managed to nod and say yes to the proposal. He placed the ring on your finger, and you jumped up to hug him, as if he would vanish into thin air in any second. A collection of notes, photos, and trinkets all from previous dates lead you to the love of your life asking you to marry him, and you couldn't wait to be his wife. You both mumbled laughs and 'I love you's' in between kisses, and hugs. It was worth it, the whole scavanger hunt, because soon enough, you were going to be Y/N Eaton, the wife of Tobias Eaton, your hero.

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