Lions Gate Bridge

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(Y/C/N = Your City's Name)

Title: Lions Gate Bridge
Requested? Sort of.
Plot: 21. Just a simple tourist looking to have some local fun
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1095


College and work were starting to take its toll on you, and you wanted to do something about it, fast. Looking at all of the papers on the floor around you, as you tried to piece together all of your notes, you felt like it was time to take a break. Don't get me wrong, you knew how important work is and you were not planning on completely putting all the work you needed to do on the side, but you at least figured that it was a good idea to turn into a tourist for at least one day. Your grandmother was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. But you never went there, because she moved to (Y/C/N) with your grandfather, when he was changing base in the military, and they settled there. Your mother was born there, and so were you. And you wouldn't change it for the world, but for some reason, you wanted to go over to Vancouver and using the pictures your grandmother gave you of the city, try to figure out how much it has changed, but also to have some fun. To sum it up, you were just a simple tourist, looking to have some local fun.

Packing up a few of your most important belongings, you were off. Once you arrived and checked into your hotel room, you got ready to go out. You saw a glimpse of the city when you arrived and the bus was making it's way to the station. The fresh air hit your cheeks when you exited the hotel, and you took in a deep breath. It was time to start your adventures. You visited the university of British Columbia, Granville Street Bridge, the Millennium gate, along with the totem poles in Stanley Park, until finally ending up on the Lion Gate Bridge. The views of the city and the river allowed your mind to travel back to what your grandmother told you about it. It was where she met the love of her life, your grandfather. As a little kid you would, almost every night, sit down on the floor, by the fire, and look up at her as she would tell you that story all over again. It got you wondering if something like that was gonna happen to you. If you were going to meet someone who, some time later, you might consider the love of your life. And than it hit you. Quite literally.

You felt a sharp pain in the side of your head, and turned around to see what was thrown and more importantly, who threw it. You noticed two young boys with guilty written all over their faces as they approached you and apologised for throwing their ball at you, explaining how it accidentally slipped out of their hands as they were practicing their basketball, throwing it back and forth while running.Thankfully the ball didn't hit you that hard, otherwise you would have suffered a concussion. But you saw it in their eyes that they were truly sorry for what happened and told them it was fine. As you were starting your "you just need to be more careful" sentence, you were cut off as another voice did it for you.
"You two should have been a little more careful with your ball, but if the lady isn't angry, go have fun."
A low male voice said behind you and you turned around to be met face to face with the person who interrupted you. He smiled at you and handed the ball back to the two boys, who were quickly gone, continuing their practice.
"I have a mouth of my own you know."
You said, referring to the previous situation in which he took over, still slightly annoyed at him. He smirked, his eyes lowering to look at the ground as he as he replied.

"I guess I was too mesmerised by your beauty that I completely forgot what I was doing."
You rolled your eyes, but somehow still couldn't hide the smile that curved your lips. The last person that said something like that to you was your boyfriend, well, ex boyfriend, and it was slightly weird to hear it coming out of somebody else's mouth, but in a way it felt good. The man took a stand next to you after observing your reaction to his comment, resting his arms on the rails, and looking out into the river.
"If it's not a secret, can I ask you if you are here for business or for pleasure?" He was the first to break the silence that started between the two of you. You thought about it for a moment, debating whether you should really tell this stranger why you were here. But in the end, you decided to tell him, intrigued by what his response might be. And it didn't disappoint.

He asked you if you had seen the true meaning and beauty of the city and if not, he would have nothing against being your tour guide. You explained to him how you had already visited all the known areas of Vancouver, and he clicked his tongue, cutting you off. For the second time. He replied that you haven't really seen the actual city yet, and that you visiting the tourist attractions means nothing compared to going to the local places, where the people who live there go. And to be honest, he was right. You didn't really have anyone to ask for what those places are, because the only part of the city that your grandmother told you about visiting was the bar where your grandfather and her went on their first date. The rest of the places were either abandoned, or renovated, so to you it didn't feel like it should be.

And so you agreed to walk around the city with this handsome stranger, something in your heart telling you it was going to be fun. And it was, he took you to all of the most visited places by people who know the city, and you shared some laughs and stories about each other, becoming more and more comfortable with each other every minute. On the way you of course introduced each other, and you knew his name is Dean Winchester, and that he has a brother named Sam. If only you knew the world you were getting into, getting so close to Dean. But you are still bravely fighting through it, a few years later, with Dean by your side, along with Sam and Castiel.

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