Danced Her Way Into My Heart

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Title: Danced Her Way Into My Heart
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Imagine being an old friend of Josh and a ballerina, he asks you to dance in one of their music videos and Tyler falls for you.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1222


"Darn it. I'm too late." Tyler said as he walked out to the parking lot and realized you had just left. And to think he was about to ask you an important question. But if we go back a little, you could both thank Josh for meeting. You and Josh were old friends and kinda lost contact a little after he moved away, but he did call sometimes to check up on how your life is going, and you found that to be really sweet of him. And then one day he called you and asked if you were interested in dancing in the new music video of the band he's playing in.

You were glad he remembered you had the dream of being a ballerina when you were younger, and how happy he sounded when you told him you managed to accomplish your dream and that you were currently the first girl anyone thinks about when they want a great ballerina for their show. You knew some stuff about the band, you knew it's called Twenty One Pilots, and that it's just Josh and his best friend Tyler in the band. You had never met Tyler, but you were looking forward to it. Of course, you agreed to dance in their music video.

"Oh my God!! I can't believe you are acctually gonna be dancing in the Twenty One Pilots music video!! You are so lucky!" You laughed as your best friend went on with her fangirling. You knew she was a huge fan of he band and so you offered for her to come with you to the shoot, since you needed a little moral support. After all, it was not something small to be dancing in a music video of a rising band. If you do a poor job, it's gonna automatically ruin the whole video, looking fake or unprofessional. And you didn't want that.

The radio blasted out Twenty One Pilots songs as your friend brought her cd's with her and sang at the top of her lungs. You turned your head and looked at her, a smile on your face turning into a laugh at her attempts to dance in the car. You knew some of the lyrics yourself and thought it was about time that a band sings about stuff that mean something in life and focus on the issues we all have in our life that no song or anything can change, because it's always there. You were sick of all the songs about getting drunk or getting laid, and Twenty One Pilots were a refreshment to you, as you could relate to every possible song.

" I-I-I I've got a migraine, And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways, Thank God it's Friday...." You joined your friend as you sang along, having a full-out party in your car. Once you arrived at the venue, you parked your car and, after making sure you had everything you needed, you and your friend got out of the car and made your way to the entrance. As soon as you reached their dressing room and saw the two boys lift their heads and look up at the two of you, your friend grabbed your hand. You turned over and saw she froze and you couldn't help but smile at the look on her face.

"Hey Y/N, I'm glad you are here, I missed hanging out with you." Josh said, getting up from his place on the couch and gave you a big hug, as Tyler remanied seated, just looking at you. You introduced Josh to your friend and they took a picture together. Next Josh introduced you to Tyler, and after your friend made a selfie with him too, he approached you and held out his hand for a shake. You smiled and took his hand, shaking it. He looked really cute, a little awkward, but you liked that kind of a guy. You hated guys that were too full of themselves and had their heads in the clouds.

"Umm... I'm glad you will be dancing in our video... you look really pretty." He said, making a slight pause after almost every sentence and you looked down, trying to hide the fact that you were blushing. Before Tyler could say anything else, the director of the music video walked in and told you all it was time to start the shoot. And so you went to your dressing room where they gave you what you were going to wear and a really lovely girl did your make-up as you chatted a little about how you got to where you are today. And the shoot went great, you had so much fun and everything felt so natural to you, as if you had already worked with the boys. It made you feel comfortable.

And the part when the shoot is over leads us to the begining where Tyler wanted to ask you and important question, but you left before he could. He wanted to ask you out and once he finally found the courage, you were gone, and he was a little sad. But his face lit up as he heard Josh say you had a show in two days at the theatre and he was determined to ask you out then and there. So, two days later, you were warming up in your dressing room, trying to stop your nerves from getting the better of you when you heard a knock on your door. It was you friend, who was also dancing with you.

She carried a large bouquet of red roses in and placing it with the rest of the flowers, but for some reason she had a smile on her face, a lot different then the ones so far. That left you wondering and you walked over to the flowers and noticed the card among the flowers. It read that the flowers were from Josh and Tyler and that they wish you luck and are looking forward to seeing you on stage. You smiled to yourself and thought about Tyler's beautifuly brown eyes. Your train of thought was cut short when you were called out to get on stage.

Tyler and Josh enjoyed your performance, amazed at how much passion you put into your dancing. How you moved like you were floating, not even thinking about the hundreds of people watching, completely focused on your dance, shutting out everything else. They both stood up, among others to applaud your amazing performance. The adrenaline ran fast through your veins as you tried regaining your breath. Suddenly you felt someone touch your shoulder and turned around to see Tyler standing behind you.

You asked him what he thought about the performance and he said he loved every minute of it.The next thing you know, he takes a deep breath and asks you if you would like to go on a date with him soon. A huge smile appeared on your face and Tyler mirrored the smile once you agreed to go out with him. It will later prove to be the best decision you ever made in your life. You slowly closed the gap between each other and you lips connected, sending chills down your spine. This was going to be a very interesting ride.

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