Dark Thoughts

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Title: Dark Thoughts
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Imagine being shy and always hanging out with Josh and the rest of the crew think you are so cute together, because you have saved each other from all the dark thoughts.
Warnings: Fighting insecurities
Word count: 1064


You always struggled to find that one person who would help you pind your happy place. People always say you are strong enough to find it yourself, but there are times where that feels impossible. You were always shy and innocent, nobody had ever heard you swear, and a lot of them assumed you had a pretty happy life. But the truth was, you were constantly waging wars with your dark thoughts. You even saw them in the mirror as you were at the lowest point, almost hating yourself. The claws of the evil, dark monster were squeezing your heart, blood dripping from countless wounds, the threads slowly breaking as you were losing the battle against yourself. You felt desperate for any trace of color in your gray world,but no matter how much you tried, the most you would ever get was a small, pea sized dot, it too disappearing faster then it arrived, causing you to forget it ever existed.

Nobody seemed to understand, weather because they didn't want to, or because they were too busy battling their own demons. It only made it more difficult to open up to people, to ask them for help. Countless questions filled your mind, you wanted to know what was the point of being here, why were you given life when it looks like it has a mind of it's own, not even bothering to turn around and make sure you were following it. Always the quiet hero, letting others take the credit for your work, not even strong enough to stand up and yell out proudly how you were the one who thought of it. You often thought you could handle it all by yourself, but it turned out you did need someone, someone to just be there, to just sit next to you, and make you feel a little better. When you met Josh Dun, you knew you had found that person, that person that can make everything seem a lot better then it is at the time, and changing the way that you think, and by changing that, also changing the situation, turning your bad day into a good one. He was exactly what you needed, he understood and he wanted to help.

You were always a woman of a few words, and he didn't mind, he loved you for who you were. You knew you are not perfect, a perfect woman is not real. But that didn't seem to bother Josh even a bit. He didn't want to win you over by flattering you and making up all kinds of stories. He wanted to get to know the real you, the person behind the mask. What he told you about you, was the truth, no over the top adjectives, that would probably descibe a Barbie doll. For some reason, you always wanted to be around him, at first not knowing why. Soon, you realized it was because he made you feel protected, and the sound of his laugh made all of your dark thoughts dissapear. He helped you deal with your demons and you helped him deal with his. It's an understatement to say that Josh's best friend, Tyler Joseph, was grateful for you caming into Josh's life. The masks were doing a great job at hiding their faces on stage, the fans aware of the fact there was something deeper and darker in the mind of the person behind the mask they thought they knew too well, but in fact had no idea about.

Josh and Tyler always helped each other and were there for each other deal with their inner demons, even though they knew there was no chance of beating them for good, regardless of what you think at one moment, that can quickly change to something else. But at least they were fighting it together, surrounded by people, significant others, family, their bond as best friends growing stronger each day, but once Tyler got married to Jenna, he wanted his best friend to find someone as amazing as his wife. And that someone was you. Josh did, and still does, everything to make you feel special and protected. If you are having a bad day, he would engulf you in his arms and just hold you, until you were feeling better and wanted to talk about it. He also made sure you were happy, just as much as you made sure he was happy.

A few weeks since you two moved in together you woke up in the morning and saw Josh just sitting at the edge of the bed, silently staring at his hands. You knew immediately how he was feeling, and you hugged him from behind, placing small kisses on his back, and just holding him tight, just as tight as he holds you when you are upset. He smiled at you and the both of you agreed to have a lazy day indoors, as you too were not feeling like facing the society today. Tyler and Jenna would just smile at how cute you looked together, and you were happy to be going on tour with them. It made you even more sure of yourself when you could be helping someone else throughout their dark thoughts and Josh saw you just as you saw him. The light at the end of a dark and long tunnel, illuminated by fans and supporters, but still you were each other's way out.

Jenna became like a sister to you, and you loved spending time together, going on double dates and messing around together. It was as if you had finally found your place in this world, with people who understood how you felt, and wanted to help you, not because they needed something back, but because they wanted to. Jenna and Tyler loved you like family and it felt like the four of you were all each other's vessels, saving each other whenever you could. You were a little anxious when it came to going on tour with the boys, but Jenna told you she would love for you to come, so she wasn't the only girl and "the voice of reason" as she called it. You laughed and agreed, knowing it was time to take that step. Tyler and Jenna thought of you as family and all that was left was for Joshua to pop the question.

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