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Title: Storm
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You play the Ragnarssons half-sister on the show and every living person fears you, but in real life you are different and dating Alex, who loves to show you off.
Warnings: Does fluff count?
Word count: 1463


You were on the ground, your hands behind your head as you stared at the sky. Your four brothers, well half-brothers, and you all lined up next to each other, chatting and sharing a few laughs. In the beginning, you were not loved by the people around you other than your family, for how you were conceived. They tried keeping it a secret, but eventually it got out that you were the product of queen Aslaug's affair with Harbard, who seduced her while Ragnar was away. Nevertheless, Ragnar has always treated you as his own daughter, and you were led to believe he was your real father, just as your brothers were too. But the truth was, Ragnar was furious with Aslaug, but upon seeing you were a girl, remembered his daughter Gyda, who he lost to an illness a long time ago. Ever since than, he had a soft spot for girls and so he took you in, and loved you like you were his own.

It was not until your 21st birthday that you walked in on your parents arguing. You thought it was just one of their regular fights, until you heard your name get mentioned. Your breathe hitched in your throat as you heard what they were saying.
"Maybe I should just take my children and leave!"
Your mother spat in rage. You had never seen her like this, they did have fights, but never this harshly.
"You are not taking my children anywhere!"
Your father yelled back. You knew the six of you were his weakness, from Björn, the oldest, to you, the youngest. He loved you all with his whole heart, and knew he would die if all of you were taken away from him. Lagertha once took Björn from him and he grew up without his father being there to witness it, and it hurt him more than any wound in battle. So when Aslaug was threatening him with his children, he knew he was going to fight with all his might to make sure that doesn't happen.

"Why do you care?! Y/N is not yours anyway!"
Suddenly Ragnar snapped and his open palm flew to Aslaug's face, knocking her to the groung. But you were too shocked to react, having just heard that your whole life was a lie. More of the argument you heard, the more you were feeling lost and alone. You have never felt so alone, you had just lost your family in mere second. Your heart felt like it was ripped out of your chest. They haven't noticed you yet and you managed to hear the name of your real father. Harbard. Would it be mean to say you never wanted to meet him in your life? Hearing enough, you ran our of the great hall and the first thing you noticed was your brothers all on the ground, looking at the sky, a small fire cracking next to their feet, and so you decided to join them.

Every single thing you knew lost, all your power taken away. You could have sworn people were more afraid of you than of your brothers and your father, and that was saying something. You were known to just all of a sudden kill the person who disrespected you in any way, shape or form. The badass sheild maiden, who was the stuff of nightmares. Your mind was still racing and you felt like yelling, but you decided the best for you now was to ignore it, hoping it would go away. You asked your brothers if they were up to any mischief today, trying to sound as normal as possible.
Hvitserk stated with a smirk. You chuckled before saying you knew it, and you were just wondering when they were going to grow up.

The four men laughed and Sigurd turned his head to the side slightly, so he could see your face, as your voice sounded a little off to him. He would probably be the only one out of the four of them who would resent you if he found out whose daughter you really were, so you too have decided it's best not to open the subject.
"You are forgetting who is the youngest here, little sister."
Sigurd stated, and the word sister stung you right in the heart, but you couldn't react, you just had to stick to your facade and look natural.

You chuckled again.
"I am more mature than all of you, but you are too scared to admit it."
You said, acting all proud, as you were relaxing, the presence of your brothers calming you down, and you soon forgot about what you heard a while ago, that is after Ubbe gave you the final blow.
"You always do mischief as well sister. After all, you are the child of Ragnar Lothbrook. Just like us."

Even though you knew that was not true, you brushed it off, and your subjects turned into lighter topics and you just laughed and shared childhood memories. But there was one person who was still not in his happiest mood. Ivar. He knew something was going on and that you were not really alright. He could sense it, as you two have had a connection better than twins during your entire life. He just decided not to push the matter further, even though he knew something was off about you, but decided he was going to ask you about it later.

"And CUT!"
The director yelled, as the camera took a few moments on Ivar, and the scene was over. All five of you got up from the ground, dusting off you clothes. Jordan and Marco decided to grab some water before the mid-season interview they had planned today was due and David approached the director to take a look at the finished material they had. As you were still dusting yourself off, you felt two strong arms around your waist and giggled as you knew it was Alex. The two of you were secretly dating, regarding all of the hugs and cheek kisses as mindless best friend banter. But the truth is, you two have been dating for several months now, shy out of the public eye, and only kissing on the lips when you were alone and you knew nobody will see you.

"Good job gorgeous. You are a natural."
He whispered in your ear, his warm breath on you skin sending chills down your spine, but good ones, and you bite your lip. You continue talking about the scene, being the professionals you were and soon the mid-season interview was on it's way. You never even thought about getting an Alex related question, but when you were flat out asked if the two of you were datin, you froze. You didn't even get the chance to talk to him about it, and see if he was ready to let the world know. So you got all tongue tied and answered unsurely.
"Well, I can honestly just say we are just having fun, you know, you don't get to be a viking every day of your life right?"
You said, avoiding the question completely. You were nothing like your Vikings conterpart, always trying your best to help those who need it and being somewhat bullied in school, but instead of taking revenge, you just told yourself God was going to make them pay anyway, and you believe in karma, so if you had done anything to them, it would come to haunt you. After your part was over, Alex approached you and you asked him if you had made the right choice. He replied by saying he can't wait to show you off to the world and walked over to the chair the cast were sitting on during the interview. You thought about what he could have meant by that and you soon got your answer. When he was asked about you, a huge smile curved his lips.

"Well, how do I put this...Yes, actually, a love has blossomed on set, and yes it is between Y/N and I. We were just unsure if we should tell people, but we have been together for a while now, and I think she's the one guys."
Every word that came out of his mouth stunned you and you could have sworn his love for you was only growing. After that interview, you two were out as a couple and Alex couldn't wait to be gushing about you all over social media, for the first time in his life feeling like he is ready to settle down and be someones husband. It was only a matter of time when he was gonna pop the question.

 It was only a matter of time when he was gonna pop the question

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