Feelings Are Hard

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Title: Feelings Are Hard
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine Kai trying to figure out his feelings for you, and you offer to help him.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1170


"Kai? Are you in here?" You called out, entering his house and encountering it silent, weirdly silent. You set your bag down in the living room, and called out his name again. When you once again didn't get a responce you began to worry. He had told you he was going to be at home at this time.But maybe he deciced to take a walk and clear his head, find new ideas on how to get out of the prison world. The Mystic Falls gang created a plan on how to trap the psychopath back into the hell he tried so hard to escape from.

You have grown to love Kai after he kept protecting you and helping you whenever he could. For some reason, he could never hurt you in any way, and you were happy to find out that he could actually feel, and that he had a heart under the whole psychopath state of mind. So you decided, even though all your friends strongly protested, to follow Kai to the prison world. It would be the same day every day, but at least you would be with the man you love. All that was left is to help Kai with his emotions, so you could figure out how he felt.

When you reached his room, you found him sitting on the bed, with his head in his hands. You frowned, wondering what was going through his mind. You called his name again, and this time he responded, looking up at you.Sitting down next to him, you cup his face with your hand and ask if he is alright. He smiles at you and takes your hand in his.

"I'm fine, just trying to figure some things out." He said, and you could read in his eyes he was struggling with something. All you wanted to do now was think of something to make him laugh, to get him out of his bad mood, but your mind was not coming up with anything that would help you in this situation. Usually you were really good at sarcastic comments, some might even call you a female version of Damon, but right now, your mind was blank. And you didn't know exactly why.

"Can I help you in any way?" You ask kindly, earning an even wider smile from him. He looks at you with his beautiful blue eyes, and you felt yourself getting lost in them. You slowly leaned in, unaware of the fact that you were doing that, and Kai mirrored your motions. But as soon as your lips touched, he jumped to his feet, turning his back to you. You stood up as well, confused by his actions. At your question about if there was something wrong he turned to face you.

"Feelings are hard." He says and looks you directly in the eyes. A small smile was on his lips and you couldn't help but smile too, sighing slightly. You knew he was trying hard to understand the emotions people go through, that he never experienced. He was grateful you were doing your best to help him. He couldn't quite figure it out, but whenever he was around you, he felt different. There was something about you that made his heart beat a little faster.

And even though he loved being around you he felt extremly guilty you were stuck in the prison world with him, and tried his best to figure out how to get you out of there. He shocked himself with the fact he wouldn't care if he stayed there for the rest of his life, as long as you were free and happy. It was the first time he felt that way about someone, and it was eating him alive that he was unable to figure out what it was that he was feeling.

His mind took him to that time he woke up after Damon hit him and he passed out, in the middle of a fire cage Bonnie put him in. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was your figure, and when his vision adjusted to his surroundings he was met with your loving eyes oozing with worry. He still remembered the sound of your sigh of relief when you made sure he was fine. It was as if he was building a case and trying to find the culprit. To find what was making him feel that way.

"Just tell me what you are feeling and I'll do my best to figure out what it could be." You said, hoping you could help him with his troubles. You hated seeing him like this, a sad expression on his face, eyes searching for something to focus on, sighing from time to time. It hurt your heart and you wanted to hug him tightly and not let go until he felt better. But you fought that urge, fearing it was not love he was feeling, but instead just simple gratitude for your help.

"Okay. I've met a girl some time ago, and every time I was around her, I feel different. She makes me feel like there are some little creatures roaming in my stomach and my heart beats faster, like I was running or something. And when I'm not around her, I want to be. She doesn't leave my mind for one second, and I have never felt that way before." He was talking and you really wished he was talking about you. But even if he wasn't you would have been fine with it. All you wanted was for him to be happy.

"The only explaination I have is love." You told him after he finished. Then you tried as well as you could to explain what love really was. That it was the feeling that brought two people together and was, for you, the closest thing to magic. It can be the worst feeling and bring pain, but it can also be the best feeling and make a person feel like they are on a cloud of happiness. You admit you are a little rusty, after all it has been a while since you were truly in love with someone. You continued rambling until you were stopped by the feeling of Kai's lips on yours.

"Well, in that case, I love you." He said after he pulled away. He also told you he saw enough examples of love, but never understood it. And now, that he found you, he was ready to explore that world and was finally begining to understand it.

"I love you too, Kai." He smiled and you connected your lips to his again. It was the begining of a beautiful relationship, and you knew there were so many amazing things to come, and you were looking forward to spending them with Kai. The man you loved and who loved you. He wrapped his arms around you pulled you in a tight hug, you both closing your eyes, enjoying every moment.

Last one so far in the TVD fandom, more fandoms to come. But let me know if you want any more imagines with TVD characters. ❤

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