The Fury

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Title: The Fury
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine watching a Fast and Furious movie and DMing Vin on Instagram to tell him how much you loved it and how they should never stop making them, and he actually sees your message, which, with time, gives you a chance to meet the cast and beome a part of the family.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1258


The adrenaline was still rushing through my body as I entered my apartment. My friends and I had just parted ways after watching the 8th installment of the Fast and Furious franchise. I am a huge fan of the franchise and so are my two friends. I brought another friend along, because she wanted to get out of the house, so I invited her to come with us. It's an inderstatement that I was annoyed when she kept checking her phone every ten minutes. I focused my attention to the movie screen about 8 rows ahead of us. It felt weird to see a Fast and Furious movie without the beloved Brian O'Connor. Every time he was mentioned I looked up at the celling, picturing the late Paul Walker's beautiful blue eyes in my mind.

I took out my phone to check Instagram for how many people saw my story, the picture of the movie ticket next to which I wrote "With the baddest people around" referring to my firends. I smiled to myself, remembering some of my favourite scenes, when I decided to test my luck and write a message to Vin Deisel, telling him I loved the movie and that they shouldn't stop making them. After changing into pajamas and brushing my teeth, I got into bed and fell asleep soon after. In the morning, I got ready for college classes just like I do every Wednesday, the music blasting from my phone as I swayed my body a little as I was getting ready. WIth a few minutes to spare, I decided to check my social media. The moment I turned on the Wi-Fi, It felt like my phone had a seizure. So many notifications sounded, the ding didn't even have time to sound itself fully before another one would pop up.

I furrowed my brows and tapped on one of the notifications. It took me to Instagram and I almost dropped my phone when the little pink card appeared with a large number of new followers, likes and comments on my photos. It was over 100k people. My confusion turned into shock once I realized one of my new followers was THE Vin Deisel, and that's what usually happens when a famous person follows someone, a number of their fans do the same. I also noticed he responded to my DM. He thanked me for complementing the franchise and that he was glad I liked it. I messaged him back, fangirling about the fact he answered and realized I had to tone it down a notch before I press send. A few moments later he got back to me again, and we started chatting.

Once it was time for me to leave my apartment and go to college, I purchased a few MB and turned on the 3G, so I could continue chatting as I walk to the campus. Throughout the conversation, we talked about the movies he was in, Paul, which I didn't press to much, only writing that I wish I had met him and maybe even acted by their side. That resulted in Vin asking me about my love for acting, and I told him it is my biggest dream. He suggested that we videochat, and maybe he could help me acheve my dream. I really wanted that, but I didn't want it to feel like I was taking advantige of the situation, but Vin assured me he knew I wasn't like that. I chuckled, he doesn't even know me, but I guess he has enough experiense dealing with people to have the possibility to say that. Or perhaps I made a good first impression.

We agreed to videochat after I got back from class and I couldn't wait to tell my friends what happened. I could have sworn their eyes were gonna fall from their sockets, that's how much they widened them when I showed them the conversation. I promised them that if I made it big in the movie business, I would take them with me, and I meant it. I threw my bag on the sofa and turned on my laptop to get ready for the videochat. I felt like it was all a dream when I saw Vin's face on the screen. I was so lucky it was insane. Not a lot of fans get to videochat with Vin freaking Deisel. I actually ended up auditioning right there, him telling me what I needed to do and what I needed to say. At the end of our conversation, he seemed really pleased with my acting and told me he was going to fly me out to where he was and I was possibly gonna get a movie role. I was so happy I could scream, and I kept telling Vin I would repay him for helping me, that I wasn't taking advantage of him, and he just laughed at me and nodded.

Long story short, I was flown to LA, where I was met with Vin and we went over to a studio where I was supposed to audition to see if I was gonna actually get the role. I soon found out it was an audition for the role in Fast and Furious, but what shocked me even more was that I got the part. Once the audition was over and I had the information about when the shooting starts and all that, I asked Vin if he could take me to Paul's grave. His eyes filled with tears, but he nodded and we were off. Once I was standing in front of his grave, I felt my heart crack. We had lost such an amazing human being, a true gift to this world. I realized his daughter Meadow was around the same age I was when my father died. I felt my eyes fill with tears and I let them flow as i dropped to my knees in front of the grave. I cried for several minutes, until I felt Vin's hand on my shoulder before he helped me get up. He held me for a few more minutes, letting me cry it out, after which he took me to wash my face and drink some water to calm down.

"We'll visit him again soon, I promise." Vin told me, it was like he noticed I didn't want to leave yet, just like I never want to leave my father's grave. I nodded and we went to a hotel where I was going to stay for a day or two before going back home to focus on my studies until the filming starts, and of course work on my physique. It felt truly amazing to be working with all of the cast a crew on the movie. My character got the nickname Fury. They all accepted me and soon actually referred to me as a member of their Fast and Furious family. And I consider them family too. I sure hope Paul thinks I'm good enough to be part of the family. We all got closer together filming another installement, and also several other projects together. And to think my current life started off with a smiple Instagram DM I didn't even think was going to be answered. I even tried out to be a director, filming a movie with my friends, based on the novel we wrote together on wattpad. I told them I would take them with me and I stuck to it. To say I love my job would be an absolute understatement.

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