Chapter 8: Damsel in Distress

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Chapter 8:

Jessica is inside the Study room with her brothers and her father. They called for her right after She and her Butler came home from school. Her family didn't go to work just to talk to her.

She was looking at her brothers who look so serious, then turned to look at the door. She's waiting for Yuri to come in and stay beside her since she could feel that there's something behind her father's look.

A knock on the door was heard, Yuri peek in. "Come in.." Daddy Jung said.

Yuri slowly walk inside and settled next to Jessica. The American look at him as if asking what's happening but Her Butler was just exchanging eye contacts with her brothers.

Daddy Jung cleared his throat, "Jess, Yuri told me that this is the last day of examination.. What are your plans after this?" He asked.

"Dongwook Oppa and I are going out."

"I'm sorry to tell you but your trip with your boyfriend will never happen anymore." He said.

"What?" Jessica asked.

"I don't want you and Lee Dongwook to see each other again." He said, Jessica was surprised that her father know Dongwook's last name. "Break up with him now." He told her.

Jessica look at Yuri and the tanned guy was just looking down.

"He's not good for you." He added.

"Why?" She asked.

Daddy Jung take an envelope in the drawer of his desk, He hand it to Yuri then the butler opened it for her.

She creased her eyebrows as she slowly seen pictures of her boyfriend. She scan them one by one and shake her head, in the photos, Dongwook was all smiles with a woman and two kids.

"What's this?" She asked then look at her father, "You hired an investigator?" She asked glaring at her family with what they did.

"We had to, We don't know anything about him and he don't want to come here, that's very suspicious." Daddy Jung said.

She stood up and throw the pictures on the floor, She couldn't accept what her father showed her. "Those pictures are not true! You're just making them up so Dongwook Oppa will be the bad guy!" She shouted as her tears starts to roll down her eyes.

Yuri picked up the pictures on the floor then put them back on the envelope.

"That's true, Princess! Those photos are true! Your boyfriend is a married man with two kids!" Haein said.

"Those were taken in Beijing, He moved his family almost a month ago because there's another investigator named Jay following him before us, the investigator we hired is in the same company with Jay and the two of them worked together to get new informations about Lee Dongwook." Yunho told her.

"That's not true.." She mumbled.

"Listen to us Jess, Everything your brothers told you are true, and I found out more." Daddy Jung said while looking at his crying Daughter. "Your Boyfriend targets wealthy kids like you! He has another girlfriend, the Heiress of the Park Incorporated and they've been going out for almost a year now." He told her but his Daughter don't believe him, "She's the one who's giving him money, He likes you because he knew you're the only heiress of Our Company, sooner or later he will ask money to you."

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