Chapter 104: Forever

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Chapter 104:

Yuri is driving back home from work, He's always excited to go home since He knew that his wife and the kids are waiting for him.

His phone rings, Jessica is calling him. "Baby."

"Babe, Where are you?" His smile widens, Jessica always want to see him.

"I'm on my way home, Baby.. Do you want anything?"

"I just wanna remind you of the cake, pizza and Ice cream."

He nodded, "It's here." He said.

"Alright, Can't wait to see you." Jessica said then giggled, "Drive safely, Babe! I love you."

"I love you too." He said and waited for his wife to hang up.

They will celebrate their third baby's second month today. He actually couldn't believe how fast time flies, Sinbi is growing up well and they are happy to see that she is a healthy baby.

He arrived home not long after, He went in and asked the helpers to get the foods as He walk upstairs to see his family.

"I'm home!" He announced as he opened the door of their room.

"Appa!" Jessica and the twins squealed.

He smiled seeing his wife sitting on the bed while breastfeeding their baby while the twins are playing on the floor.

Krystal stood up to hug her father but Yuri quickly crawled on the bed and kissed his wife, "How was your day?" He asked then turned to the baby, "Hi, Sinbi.. Appa's home now." He said.

Jessica then tap his arm, "You forgot the Twins." She said.

Yuri look at where the kids are and saw only Yoong, "How are you Big Boy?" He kiss his cheek then look around but Krystal is not in their room anymore.

"Appa Ishie go out."

He sighed, "Appa will play with you later." He kissed him then went out. "Princess.. Where are you?"

He walk to the kids' room but the little girl is not there, He then saw the baby gate on the top of the stairs is widely open.

"Soojungie.." He mumbled and run to the stairs, he saw his Daughter going down the stairs alone. "Princess!" He called and walk downstairs fast. "Where are you going?" He asked and carried her upstairs.

"Ishie go to ashion.." She said.

Yuri smiled, Krystal knows that the Mansion is just near their home so she always tell them that she will move to the Mansion. "You're going to leave Appa?" Yuri asked and rub her back, "I'm sorry if Appa didn't greet you first.."

"Appa awwaysh give Bad tummy ppoppo fiwsht.."

Yuri kissed her, "It doesn't matter who Appa kissed first, I will kiss you, Mommy, Oppa and Sinbi because Appa loves you so big." He smiled at her.

"Owy Oppa and Ishie and Mommy.. Bad tummy go away."

Yuri take a deep breath, Krystal always try his patience. "Call her Sinbi.. Her name is Sinbi, Soojungie.."

"Sheebee, bad tummy and bad tummy awwaysh bad. Bad tummy eichoo!"

"Appa don't like the way you call your sister, Soojungie.." He said and brought her to the kids' room. He made her sit on her thinking chair and talk to her more seriously, "Do you want Appa to get mad?"

The little girl shake her head, "Appa wuv owy."

He sighed, "I don't wanna hear you calling her bad tummy, Grandpa gave her the name Sinbi so you should call her that way.." He said in a stricter tone.

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