Chapter 75: Stress

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Chapter 75:

"Go home." Yuri said and grab Jessica's hand.

Dongwook stood up, "Wait.. Excuse me We are in the middle of our meeting.. it's so rude to just pull her, You're just her butler, You should be fired!" He said that made Yuri even more mad.

He let go of Jessica and hold the guy by his collar, "I am her husband, Dumbass!" He said angrily then let go off him, "Don't ever show your face to us or I'll do what I did to you before!" He said then pulled his wife out of the restaurant.

"Stop!" Jessica shouted as her husband drag her. "Kwon Yuri!" She shouted then push him. "You embarrassed me, Yul! Why do you have to make a scene?" She asked angrily.

"Have you forgotten what happened? What he did to you? Why are you with him?" Yuri asked, "Is he the reason why you're not answering my calls? Because you're with him again?"

Jessica shake her head, "You are being ridiculous, Kwon Yuri!" She said. "He is our client, Yul! We are talking about business."

"I don't want you to make business with him! I will never allow you to work with him, You hear me?"

Jessica sighed, "I'm just being professional! And besides, He already said sorry to me!"

"So you two are friends now? Good for you." He said then hop in the car.

Jessica followed, "Why? Can't I be friends with my ex?" She asked but Yuri didn't answer, "you can be friends with your ex girlfriends but not me.. Do you think it's fair?"

"It's not about that Sica!" He said.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She crossed her arms, She don't want them to fight in front of the kids.

The family arrived to their home, Yuri carried the twins to their room and Jessica followed.

Yuri changed the kids' clothes while Jessica sit on the bed and helped him.

A knock on the door was heard, "Dinner's ready!"

"Eiii!" Yoong happily said.

Yuri take the two kids and walk to the door, Noticing that his wife is not moving He turned to her. "Don't you wanna eat?" He asked, She was about to speak when Yuri chuckled, "Oh, I forgot, You had a date with your ex.." He said then went out.

Jessica sighed and laid on the bed, "You're not doing anything wrong, Jess." She thought.

She then heard her phone ring, She picked it up and found an unknown caller.

"Hello?" She said.

"Jess.." It was Dongwook. "I'm sorry, If I only knew that he is your Husband I wouldn't act that way." He said sounding apologetic.

"I should be the one apologizing for My Husband's inappropriate actions.." She said.

"I understand.."

Jessica smiled, Dongwook really changed. After talking to her during their meeting she realized that he changed a lot.

"Uhm, Jess. I would like to set a meeting again, We still need to talk about the business."

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