Chapter 59: Fruit of Love

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Chapter 59:

Hana is sitting on her swivel chair in the office. She just finished talking to her sister named Haru who is in San Francisco, taking care of their sick mother. Haru told her that she wanted to be with her family this time so she's asking Hana to go back to San Francisco.

She sighed, She don't know how she will tell her family especially her Husband about it.

A knock on the door broke her trance, Jacob went in with a smile.

"Honey." He called.

Hana stood up and walk to him, She smiled and gave him a tight hug. "I missed you." She said.

Jacob smile, it's been awhile since Hana acted this way and he can say that he missed this side of his wife.

"Do you want to go out of town? Just the two of us." He asked.

She nodded, "I want to but we can't." She said.

"Of course we can do that!" He said and walk them to the couch. Hana sighed, Jacob look at his wife. He knew something's bothering her, "What is it?" He asked.

"Haru called.." She said.

"Why? Did something happened to Mom?" He asked worriedly, She shake her head.

"Haru wants me to go back home and take care of Mom.." She told him.

It's time for Jacob to sigh, he understands that his wife has her responsibilities as a daughter but it makes him sad.


He smiled, "It's okay, You can go back home and take good care of your Mom." He kissed the side of her head.

Hana hug him, Jacob has always been understanding and patient when it comes to her and her family. She never heard him complain about their situation and instead he would also visit and help her in taking care of her sick mother and with that, She's really grateful to him.

"Thank you, Hon." She said.

"I'll just visit you and Mom.." He said then sighed. "When are you leaving?" He asked.

"Maybe next week." She said.

He nodded, "Okay, But.. Can I take My wife out on a date now?" He asked and she nodded.

"Let's go!" She smiled.

The Married Couple then went to a restaurant and ordered their afternoon snack, they talked about the Past and their family.

"Do you still remember when you proposed to me in the Airport?" She asked then chuckled.

Jacob smile and nodded his head, it was the time when Hana's family moved to California. He thought that She will go with them so he made an unplanned proposal for assurance.

"If I just knew you will stay I wouldn't proposed to you that time.." He said.

"You mean you don't really want to propose to me?" Hana asked.

He shake his head, "that's not what I mean, Honey. I have plans, I already talked to your Parents but not in that place.." He sighed, "I don't even have the engagement ring with me since I was in a hurry to stop you." He smiled as he remember the exact scenes.

Hana chuckled, "Why did you think that I will go with them?" She asked.

"We had a fight, and we didn't talked for a week. Your brother told me about the flight and I got scared.. I thought you'll leave me for good." He said then drink some wine, "All I think was to say sorry and propose to you." He smiled then hold her hand, "I never see myself having a family with someone else.. That's why I quickly agree to move to California when your father asked me to."

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