Chapter 47: Just the Two of Us

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Here's an update for you!! Hope you'll like it!

Chapter 47:

Jessica and Yuri are out to buy some gifts for their families and friends in Seoul.

The Brown haired girl is having a hard time choosing which bag she'll buy for her 'Bestie'.

"This is too big." She mumbled while looking at the bag. "Aish, it's hard to buy something for that chatterbox." She said.

"What's your problem baby?" Yuri who's holding lots of shopping bags asked.

"Tiffany wants a bag as a present.. I don't know which one." She said.

Yuri pouted and scanned the bags, "This one is good.. It has a touch of pink that she likes." He said.

Jessica glared at him, "You really know what she wants huh." She said with her arms on her hips.

Yuri look at her then bervously shake his head, "Ahh.. Sica, hm. Everyone knew Tiffany's obsessed with pink.." He explained.

She look at him intently, "Do you always buy her stuffs?" She asked.

"No baby.."

"Are you sure?"


Jessica nodded then look at the bag Yuri chose, "I'll get two of this.." She said then look at other bags, "For Eomma, For Mom, Boa Unnie, Jiwon and Taehee Unnie.. Oh, Yoojin Unnie, Aunt Sora and Chaeyeonie! Gosh, that's a lot!" She shake her head.

Yuri creased his eyebrows, Jessica is thinking of buying bags for everyone. "Sica.." He called but the American is so busy, He look at the prices and his eyes almost popped out at how expensive the bags are. "Sica, just buy them something like souvenir or whatever.. It will cost us too much."

"I'll just buy Unnies, Jiwon and Chaeyeonie a pair of shoes.." She mumbled.

"Sica, that's enough." Yuri told her.

"It's for the family, Babe." She said then walk to the couch in the boutique to wait for the bags she bought.

"How could she spend that huge amount of money for bags?" Yuri thought while shaking his head.

The lady gave them the paper bag and the couple walked out, "Shopping is really a good meditation.." Jessica said while holding on her boyfriend's arm.

"Sica, Did you bought Eomma a bag?" Yuri asked.

"Yes, almost the same as Mom's and Aunt Sora's bag, I hope she'll like it." She giggled.

"You should save, baby. You're the one who always tell me to save for future use, but why are you spending so much for these?"

"I just wanna make everyone happy." She said.

"You can make them happy with just simple gifts.. You don't need to show off, Sica."

Jessica sighed as she's getting irritated at Yuri's lecturing. "If I really wanna show off, I would've bought your parents a huge property-"

"That's not what I mean, look at these!" He showed her the paper bags, "I only bought them some souvenirs.." He said, "You bought too much, Sica."

"You know what? Whatever." She rolled her eyes then walk faster.

"Sica!" Yuri followed her.

"I want to rest." She said.

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