Chapter 93: Something New

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You guys are getting emotional about the story.. Anyway here's an update! Thank you for all your support!!

Chapter 93:

"So.. What do you think?"

Yuri smiled as Juran wiggle her eyebrows while showing him his pictures on the screen.

"I think this is much better than the previous one." He said pointing at the last photo.

"Okay.." Juran said then stood up from her seat, "Let's wrap this up.." She said while looking at her wrist watch, "Mom's waiting for us, let's go."

Yuri nodded and stood up, the two the went out of the photo studio and ride Yuri's car.

"Oh, We need to pick up the kids." He told Juran.

"Okay, Mom would love to see them again." The girl said then put her seatbelt on.

The tanned guy nodded and drive away. "I'm excited to see the kids again." He mumbled

It's been months since their divorce was granted. Jessica and him talked about the kids and he's glad that his former wife agreed to let him take the kids everywhere.

He gave their house back to Jessica and the kids while He moved to an Apartment and live alone.

He couldn't deny that He had a hard time coping with the separation but he's happy that he's now getting better and he got Juran to thank for helping him move on.

He's now managing the bookshop since Boa and her now fiancé decided to put up a different business and he's also working as a part time model, He actually don't want to do it but Juran pleaded him to be her Model and he can't say no to her since she is so dear to him so he agreed.

He look at the girl beside him and smiled seeing her busy with her phone, "Are you comfortable? Are you hungry or what?" He asked.

Juran look at him then smiled widely, "I'm okay. Don't worry." She said.

He nodded and just focus on driving, they arrived at his former home and hop off. He ring the doorbell and was welcomed by the helper.

"Hi, Are the kids ready?" He asked with a smile.

The helper went inside, probably to tell Jessica about his arrival.

"Son!" He was surprised when Hana went out. "Come in and join us." She said and pulled him.

"Ah.. I'm actually with Juran." He said.
"Oh She's here? Tell her to come in, we're celebrating." She said, The Jung's know Juran since this is not the first time the latter go with him to pick up the kids.

"Is it okay for Jessica?" He asked.

"It will be fine. Just have some snack."
He nodded then opened the door of the passenger's seat, "What is it?" Juran asked.

"Madam Jung is inviting us inside." He said and hold her hand. He helped her hopped off.

"Hi Auntie." Juran greeted.

"How are you?" Hana asked with a smile then look at her tummy, "Seems like your baby is growing up really fast, Your baby bump is getting bigger." She touch Juran's tummy.

The latter giggled then nodded, "Yeah, I got My Mom and Yul to take care of us." She said then look at Yuri.

"I know! Yuri is really caring." Hana giggled then the three of them walk inside.

"Appa!!" The twins called upon seeing him.

Yuri kneeled down and opened his arms for them, "How are you?" He asked when the kids hug him. "I missed you." He gave them kisses.

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