Chapter 94: Find Your Soul

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Chapter 94:

Taeyeon and Tiffany are on their way to a nightclub to pick up Jessica, the latter has been partying alone for a week now and everyone is worried for her.

Taeyeon look worriedly at his wife, Tiffany just gave birth a few days ago. She should be staying at home and not getting stressed with her best friend's actions.

"She's not picking up my calls!" Tiffany angrily said.

"Mushroom, did you call her parents about it?" Taeyeon asked.

"I did! But they are in a business trip right now, Jessi left the kids to Haein Oppa and he can't go out right now." She said while trying to call Jessica.

"Are you okay? I told you to just stay at home. You shouldn't force yourself."

"I'm okay.. I'm really going to scold this brat." She gritted her teeth in anger.

They arrived a few minutes later and saw Taeyeon's friend who is the owner of the nightclub and the one who called them about Jessica.

"She's inside, She's not listening to everyone so I just ask my staffs to look after her." The guy told them.

Tiffany immediately went inside followed by Taeyeon, they saw Her drinking while laughing at nothing.

They approached her and take the glass from her, "What the-" Jessica said and turned to them.

"Let's go home." Tiffany said and pulled her.

"What are you doing? Leave me alone!" Jessica said.

"Jess, let's go home. The kids are looking for you."

"Call their father and tell him to go back home.. Yuri should be taking care of his kids and not focusing on that girl." She said looking so wasted.

Tiffany pulled her out of the nightclub and made her ride the car, "Jess what are you doing to yourself? You are not a little girl anymore! You are a mother of two kids, act maturely!" She scolded the Blonde who is just laughing at the backseat.

"Mushroom calm down.." Taeyeon said while driving back to the Jung Mansion where the kids are.

Tiffany didn't listen to her husband and continued scolding her best friend. "This will be the last time We will pick you up in the nightclub, Stop doing this or I will tell Yuri to take your kids from you!"

Jessica look at her, "You can't do that!" She said.

"I can do it!" Tiffany take her phone as if to call Yuri but Jessica is so quick to take her phone away.

"You can't take the kids away from me!" She said then covered her face with her hands and suddenly cried, "They are the only thing I have.. I will die without my kids, Tiff. Please don't take them from me."

Taeyeon sighed and look at her, "Focus on your kids, Jess. They need you more than anyone."

Tiffany look at her, "Jess, This is too much! Why are you acting this way?" She asked.

Jessica look at her with tears, "Why am I the only one suffering in this separation? Why is it easy for him to move on?" She suddenly asked and wipe her tears, "I hate it when They are together, I hate the thought of them living happily with their baby." She mumbled.

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