Chapter 85: You are My Destiny

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Chapter 85:

"Chungie wanghae!" Eunji said and hug Krystal.

They are in the beach waiting for the wedding to start, Krystal is also wearing a Pastel Pink Princess Dress.

"Kwyshie ish sho pwetty!" Clara said.

Krystal grinned and look at Seohyun who is playing with her flower basket, "Ay?" She asked.

"Ay!" Seohyun giggled.

"Mama.. Mama.." Yoong then walk pass them looking for his Mommy. He's getting irritated with his outfit since it's so hot.

"Mama.." He raised his hands.

Yuri carried him, "What is it?" He asked.

Yoong hold his suspenders, "No!" He said.

"You don't want it?" Jessica asked.

"I think he's getting annoyed with his long sleeves and pants." Yuri said.

Jessica bite her lips as she think of the clothes she brought for Yoong, "Ah! I brought him the same color of shorts." She said.

The Couple walk back to the Apartment and changed Yoong's pants to a comfortable shorts then pulled up his long sleeves.

"Alright, Yoongie looks good." Yuri smiled and fix his suspenders.

"Let's go back now." Jessica said.

They went back and the wedding started. Yuri quickly went to the starting line since he's Taeyeon's bestman.

Jessica then talked to Yoong and gave him the ring box, "Be good, Okay? Mommy will buy you more toy cars." She told him.

"Boom boom.." Yoong said.

"Yes, Mommy will buy you lots of it." She kissed him then went back to the end of the line.

Yuri walked while smiling at the other guests, He was followed by the Nervous Groom with his Mother.

"It's okay, Son. Don't be so nervous." Kim Eomma told her Son.

"I thought I will never feel nervous about this wedding, but I can't help it Eomma.." Taeyeon said then take a deep breath.

They arrived in front, Kim Eomma gave her Son a hug then stand beside him.

"Congrats Taeng!" Yuri gave him a brotherly hug.

"Thank you! Oh Gosh! Hooh!" He shake his body and rub his hands together.

They then look at Yoong who is waving at the crowd while walking.

Taeyeon take a deep breath and smiled, Seeing the kids makes him calm.

"Appa!" Yoong run to Yuri who kneeled down.

"You go there." He pointed at the other side but Yoong just hug him.

"Appa up!" He said.

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