Chapter 24: Locksmiths

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As promise, this update is dedicated to all TaeNy Shippers out there!! Hope you enjoy this!

Chapter 24:

Taeyeon is inside his shop with his best friend, they are having a meeting about their business but Taeyeon's mind is somewhere else.

"I made her cry.." He kept mumbling the same thing over and over again. It has been a few days after they last seen each other but Tiffany's sad face kept clouding his mind. His heart aches remembering her looking so down.

"The weather forecaster has issued a severe thunderstorm warning... No wonder why it's raining really hard for the past few days now.." Sooyoung told his best friend then look at him, He's spacing out again. "Yah! Kim Midget!" He shouted.

Taeyeon heard him then throw him the pen he's been holding, "Yah! I'm your business partner here and not just anyone! This business will fall down if I take my shares back and fly to Seoul!" He shouted.

Sooyoung smirked, "Why are you spacing out? Thinking about Pink Princess again?" He asked with a teasing look.

He sighed, "Yeah, thinking about Tiffany again."

Sooyoung look at him, "Dude.. are you into Tiffany again? I thought you have moved on and you like Pink Princess now." He asked.

Taeyeon look at him, "That's the problem, I fell in love with the same person."

Sooyoung stood up from his seat, "What? Pink Princess is Tiffany?" He asked in shock. Taeyeon nodded. "You mean, She pretended to be someone else and comforted you then followed you here?" He asked.

"Yeah, She told me she loves me.." He said then look away, "And here I am, I thought I have moved on with her but I'm wrong.."

Sooyoung stomped his feet like a girl who have seen her crush, "Omo!" He covered his mouth.


"You two are so meant to be!!" He squealed. "I'm so happy for you!"

Taeyeon shake his head, "Tiffany and I are not together.." He announced that made his best friend stop.

"Why?" He asked, he don't know the American girl but knowing how she makes his best friend happy made him like her for Taeyeon.

"I love her but I just don't want to be broken again.." He said.

Sooyoung sit down next to him, "That's part of the process though.. If you don't feel hurt then you don't love her."

His phone then rings, he look at it and found 'Pink Princess' name. He answered the call and was surprised that it was Tiffany's brother.

"How may I help you?" He asked.

"Um, it's about Tiffany." Leo said, Taeyeon suddenly felt nervous for some reasons. "I can't contact her, I've been calling her since yesterday but she's not answering. I was supposed to fly to Cebu today but My flight has been cancelled and I'm really worried about her." He told her.

He stood up, "Where is she?" He asked, "I mean hotel.."

"Just the hotel across your apartment." He said. "Room 801, please look after her in the meantime." He said.

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