Chapter 76: Happiness

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Chapter 76:

"Happy Birthday Krystian and Krystal Kwon!!" Everyone who came to the party greeted the twins after singing them a Happy Birthday Song.

Jessica and Yuri who were holding the twins smiled at them.

Yoong clap his hands, He likes it whenever there's lots of people around. He wiggle his body and Jessica put him down.

"Daddy, Yoongie ish Cwawa'sh Boyfwiend!" Clara said while hugging the birthday boy.

Taecyeon laugh at how his Daughter love Yoong, they arrived in Seoul two days ago and the kids quickly became good friends.

"No! Yoong is Seobaby's boyfriend!" Tiffany said that made everyone laugh.

Clara pouted and run to her Daddy, Taecyeon look at his wife who is pregnant with their second baby.

"It's okay, Honey. Clara will have a boyfriend when you grow up." Suzy said while caressing her tummy.

Clara just look at her then hug her father. She like Yoong because the little boy is so charming but He already has a girlfriend.

"It's okay, Clara.." Jessica smiled at her.

"Appapapa!" Krystal who is starting her tantrums squealed.

Yuri look at his wife, "Baby, I'll just change her diapers." He said, Jessica nodded and he walk back to the Jung Mansion.

"Miss Jessica, there's a visitor." The helper informed Jessica. "Mr. Lee Dongwook and his family."

"Oh, let him in." She said then look for her father and brothers, "Oppa.. Hmm. I invited hmm. Dongwook.. Please be nice." She told Yunho and Haein who are talking.

"What? He's here?" Haein asked.

"Why did you invite him?" Yunho asked too.

"Oppa, We're friends now." She said.

"Don't introduce him to us, Jess. I might say something bad against him." Haein said then walk inside.

"It's better if he just stay in one spot.. I don't want to cause trouble here." Yunho told her.

She sighed and nodded, "Alright.." She said then look around to find Dongwook.

She walk to the table where Dongwook is and saw him talking to the event's organizer.

"Hi!" She greeted.

"Hi, I would like you to meet my wife Yoo In Na." He said.

Jessica smiled, "Hi Unnie, I'm Jessica." She said.

"Hello, thank you for inviting us.." In Na smiled, "And I personally want to apologize for what my husband did to you before." She said.

Jessica smiled, "Everything's fine now, Unnie."

"Where are your twins?" Dongwook asked.

She smiled, "Ah, Yoong is playing with the kids while Krystal is with Yuri." She said then sit in one of the chairs. "Where are your kids?" She asked.

Dongwook smiled, "They are playing with the other kids." He said.

"Ah, I see." She smiled, she then noticed how Lee Dahae and Dongwook talk to each other. "Do you know each other?" She asked.

Dongwook nodded, "Yeah, She is my sister." He said that surprised the American girl.

"Oh really? Wow! That's cool!" She giggled.

"Uhm, Miss Jessica.. Sir Yuri is looking for you." A helper approached Jessica.

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