Chapter 38: Beautiful Goodbye

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Here's an update! I hope you'll like it!

Chapter 38:

"Hana! I can't take this anymore, I want Our daughter back in our home! I think it's much better if we let the kids, Yuri loves Our Daughter and vice versa." Jacob said as he went in his Wife's office.

He got worried at His Daughter when Yuri went to their home the other night looking for Jessica. And he want to see her and make her to go back home as soon as possible. So he's there to talk to his wife to give the two kids his blessing.

Hana nodded, "I talked to Yuri and gave him a chance." She told him.

Jacob look at her with surprisingly, "Really?" He asked.

She nodded? "Yes, but he will be away from our daughter. I want him to run the Company in London." She said.

He creased his eyebrows then sit on the couch, "Honey, You know how much Jessica loves Yuri. She even left us to be with him, separating him from her would make her even more mad at us."

"I just want Our Daughter to learn to stand on her own, to never rely on somebody else." She walk to the glass panel and look at the views outside, "We gave her everything and it made her weak since she can't do things on her own, She needs someone else to give her everything.. And that is not right." She sighed, somehow she realized that spoiling Jessica is not a good thing.

Jacob stood up and walk to her, "So you're separating them.. Then what? You're gonna let your daughter go crazy looking for Yuri?" He asked, He's tired of what's happening to his Daughter.

"I want Jessica to learn to do things alone without Yuri helping her. She's still an immature girl who only think of herself, while I'm giving Yuri at least a year to prove himself, If he successfully run the business, then I will let them be together if they still want each other." She said, "This will also test their love for each other.."

Jacob shake his head, He think that it's a crazy idea, "Just give Yuri a position in the company here in Seoul if you really want to give him a chance and not just trying to separate them for good."

"I'm doing this for the two of them.. I just need to make sure Our Daughter will have a good future with the Man she chose."

Jacob sighed, Hana is really unpredictable just like Jessica. "I just hope you're making the right thing."

"Yes.. You will thank me someday, Honey.." She look at him, "By the way, we need to go home early. Yuri and Jessica will go home."

"Tonight?" Jacob asked, excitement and shock is visible to his tone.

"Yes.. Yuri will bring her home."

"I can't wait to see my Princess!" He said, "I'll just prepare my things so we can go home and have a family dinner, call Taehee to come home too."

Hana nodded and watch her husband go out, "Don't let me down, Yuri." She mumbled and walk back to her desk. "Bring back Our Princess."


Yuri is now on his way to Jessica's school, He just came out from a meeting with Jiwon about the business and told her that it will be under his Parents' name.

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