Chapter 99: All about the Twins

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Chapter 99:

It's already nighttime but the family and friends of the newlyweds are still partying.

"Congratulations again, Dear." Jessica smiled and was surprised to receive a hug from Juran's mother. "I'm really happy that My prayer is granted, All I want to see is Yuri being happy and I know you and the kids are the source of his happiness so I'm so happy to see you two happy."

"Thank you, Auntie." She smiled.

"I have to go back to My suite, I need to rest."

"Thank you for coming." She said and waved at the older lady, Jessica then look at Yuri and saw him talking to Juran.

"Jess!" Tiffany then called, "Gosh, Yoong is crying." She told the blonde girl.

"What? Why?" Jessica asked.

"You'll see." Tiffany pulled her to where the kids are playing.

Jessica quickly saw Yoong wailing in the corner while Krystal is busy playing with some kids.

"What happened?" She asked as Tiffany attended her baby.

Yoong crawled to her and gave her a hug, "Boy bad!" He told his mother while pointing at a little boy who's giving Krystal his toy. "Bad Boy Ishie uhway!" He cried.

"The little boy is going to take Krysie away?" She asked and Yoong nodded. "He will not take Krysie away, that's Clara Noona's baby brother, Yoongie. That's Charles. He's like your brother too."

Yoong shake his head, "No.. Ishie, Yoong gedew owy." He said and scratch his eyes.

Jessica caress his head, "You want Krysie and Yoong only?" She asked and He nodded, "But Krysie likes to play with Charles, look at her."

Yoong cried again, "No.. Ishie Ohppa owy."

"Krysie's Oppa only.. Okay, Mommy will call Krysie."

"Ishie aboo."

"Ahh, You love Krysie?" She asked with a smile.

"Yesh!" Yoong sob.

"Krysie, come here and give Oppa a hug."

Krystal who is busy playing pouted, "Ishie pay." She said. "Ohppa eichoo."

Jessica sighed, the kids were fine awhile ago, Krystal was even clingy to her brother but now she hates him again.

"I don't understand kids." She said.

"Krystal played with Charles because Yoong bite her awhile ago when Krysie's trying to take him away from Clara." Chaeyeon butted in.

Jessica creased her eyebrows, "Is that true? Did you hurt your sister again?" Jessica asked Yoong who started to cry again, "Kwon Yoong, Mommy's asking you. Did you hurt Krysie again?"

Knowing that his Mommy is mad at him, Yoong couldn't help but cry, "Waaahh!"

"Kwon Krystal come here." She called strictly and the little girl instantly stop playing and walk to where she is.

"Mama, Ishie good baby." Krystal quickly explained herself while rubbing her hands nervously, they never like it when their Mommy is mad because it's scary for them.

Jessica stood up and pulled the kids out of the reception area, She brought them to their suite and made them sit on the couch.

"Waaahh!" The kids cried afraid that they will have a punishment.

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