Chapter 70: It's Fantastic

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Chapter 70:

"Uwwaaaaa!!" A loud cry from one of the twins was heard.

Yuri who just woke up quickly run from their room to the Nursery to Check on their babies.

"Aww, My pretty Soojungie is crying!" He said seeing their baby girl. He pick her up and she instantly stopped. "Oh.. You only want Appa to hug you?" He asked then kissed her cheek.

It's been two and a half months since the babies were born and the Couple were still adjusting as new parents.

Jessica is mostly the one who's always tired since she is a very hands on Mother of the twins, He's a little surprised at how his wife changed ever since the two kids came to their lives but he's loving it.

"Mommy's still sleeping so We can't disturb her." He told the baby girl who was just blinking her eyes. "Oh how pretty my little Soojungie is.." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Uuuuwaaahh!" Yoong suddenly woke up.

"Shh.. Yoongie.." He get a baby rattle and played it so the baby boy stop crying but he just cried even louder. "Hungry?" He asked.

Yuri put Krystal down and pick up Yoong and as expected, the baby girl cried out loud.

"Wait here, Soojungie. Yoong needs milk." He said then went to their room, "Show Mommy your aegyo so she won't get mad when we wake her up." He told his Son then wake up his wife. "Baby.."

Jessica stirred in her sleep, She groaned as she's still sleepy. "What is it?" She asked.

Yuri smiled and showed Yoong to her, "He's hungry."

Jessica sit up and take the little boy from him, She smiled and played with the baby as Yuri went to get their baby girl.

"You like being with Mommy always?" She asked the baby and pulled the strap of her blouse down to breastfeed him. "Why are you so cute?" She giggled as the baby boy is focused on getting milk.

Yuri went back with Krystal, Jessica smiled while looking at him. "The twins look like you!" She said and pat the space next to her.

Her husband sit on the bed and lean his back on the headrest with Krystal lying on his chest.

Jessica smiled at Krystal who is looking at her, "Krystal's looking at Mommy.."

Yuri smiled while gently patting their daughter's back, "Because Mommy is so pretty."

The American giggled and put Yoong down on the bed, "Give her to me." He said.

Yuri did then laid next to the sleeping baby boy and hug him, "Our little Yoongie, please be healthy so Mommy and Appa won't get sad and worried." He whispered to the baby boy.

Jessica then look at him, "Babe, You don't have work today?" She asked noticing that he's not preparing to go to office like usual.

He sit up and shake his head, "Dad told me to stay with you today and help you with the twins." He said.

She smiled, Her father always make it easy for her to take care of the babies by sending lots of helpers to their home.

"He still think I'm a little kid." She shake her head.

"They are just concerned of you." Her husband said then wipe the dirt on her face.

After a few minutes, Krystal stop suckling and completely fell asleep.

The Couple brought them to the Nursery and let them sleep.

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