Chapter 34: Double Trouble

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Here's an update, I hope you guys will like it!

Chapter 34:

"Come on! You are the slowest person in this planet, Jessi!" Tiffany whined and crossed her arms.

Jessica walk even more slowly that irritated the other American.

"Look at her Taetae, She's doing it on purpose!" She complained to her boyfriend.

Taeyeon sighed, "Come on Princess!" Taeyeon called Jessica.

"Where is Yuri?" Tiffany asked as the Princess get inside the car.

"He's still at work, We can pick him up." She said while looking at her nails.

Taeyeon told the Driver to go to Yuri's workplace and he quickly complied.

Tiffany then started to be touchy and sweet to her boyfriend.

"Boo, I missed you.." She said then cupped his face and kissed him.

Jessica crossed her arms and close her eyes, She'll just pretend to be asleep while the couple is making out.

"I love you.." She heard Taeyeon speak.

"I love you too." Tiffany answered while making loud kissing sounds.

She opened her eyes to stop the two but was surprised to see Taeyeon groping Tiffany's bum and the American girl seems to like it a lot.

"Could you please stop?" She asked but the couple don't care about her. "Yah!" She break them apart.

Tiffany laugh then look at her, "Envious much?"

"Wait until My Yuri and I become together again." She said.

A few minutes have passed and they arrived in front of the fast food restaurant where Yuri is working.

Taeyeon hop off to call him leaving the two best friends alone.

"I just can't wait to be with my Taetae.." Tiffany mumbled.

Jessica crossed her arms, "Watch me and my Yuri do our own thing.." She smirked.

"Let's see."

Taeyeon then went back without Yuri, "His Manager changed his mind, He don't want Yuri to go." He informed the two girls.

"What the-" Jessica hop off the car followed by Tiffany and went inside the restaurant. "Kwon Yuri!" She called without any care of anyone.

"What do you need?" A guy approached them.

"I need Kwon Yuri." Jessica said.

"I'm sorry but he is on duty, He can't go out."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jessica asked. "He should be off duty now and he has a leave tomorrow!" She's now getting angry.

"I changed my mind, He can't take a leave."

"But you already signed his leave!" Jessica wanted to shout at him. "This is not right, You've been doing this to him ever since he started working! And if something happens to him I'll make sure you'll rot in jail!"

"Huh, What can a young girl do?"

Jessica take a deep breath, She has to calm herself like what Yuri always tell her.

"We're gonna use our connections to fire you and make sure will never find a job again." Tiffany butted in.

The Manager laugh at the two girls, "Really?" He asked mockingly.

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