Chapter 42: Comeback Home

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Here's an update! Hope you'll like it!

Chapter 42:

Yuri and Hana just landed to Seoul, they walked out of Incheon Airport where the drivers are waiting for them.

"He will bring you back to your hometown.." Hana said.

Yuri bowed to her and waved when she ride her car, "I'll visit your home soon!" He said.

Hana nodded and waved at him then the car drive away, Yuri ride the car for him and told the driver to bring him home.

He kept looking around, he couldn't believe he's now breathing the Seoul Air. "Ahh.. A lot of things has changed.." He said while shaking his head.

They arrived after a few hours, Yuri take a deep breath as he felt nervous to see his family that he haven't seen for more than a year.

"Thank you." He told the driver and get his bags.

He walk to the door and knock nervously, "Who is it?" Kwon Eomma opened the door.

Yuri bite his lips to prevent himself from crying, "Eomma!" He called.

Kwon Eomma look at him from head to toe then covered her mouth in shock, "Kwon Yuri?" She asked.

Yuri nodded with a smile then hug her, "I missed you Eomma!" He said then tightened the hug.

Kwon Eomma cried then pushed him, "How could you just come home?" She asked then hit his arm. "You left and didn't even called for more than a year and now you're here?" She asked and kept hitting his arm.

"Eomma.. I'm so sorry!" He said and tried to stop her, "Eomma! I will explain, please listen to me!" He said.

"What's happening?" Kwon Appa then came out of their room hearing his wife's voice. "Son?"

"Appa!" Yuri called. "Eomma, please let me explain."

Kwon Appa walk to his wife and stop her, "Calm down Yeobo." He said.

Kwon Eomma stop then walk inside the house, Yuri hug his father and he help him carry all his bags inside.

Yuri sit on the couch while his parents are sitting across him, Kwon Appa was staring at His Son and Kwon Eomma has her arms cross over her chest.

"Eomma, Appa.. I'm really sorry for what I've done, I know I made you worried and I'm really sorry." He kneeled on the floor and bowed to them.

"Where did you go? Why did you left Jessica like that?" Kwon Appa asked.

Yuri sighed, "Madam Jung offered me a job in London, Appa.. She told me that's the way to prove myself and get accepted to their family, at first I refused to her offer since I'm planning to put up a business which is the Bookshop but then I realized that Sica is having a hard time with the life I'm giving her, So I decided to bring her home and take Madam Jung's offer." He explained, Kwon Eomma look at him, "I flew to London without telling her, I worked hard to gain her family's trust and didn't call her for more than a year.. So I will never wonder if she's mad at me.." He said.

Kwon Eomma look at her, "How could you not tell her? I thought you are a gentleman, Kwon Yuri?"

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to leave if I told her, That I will fly back home with nothing if I talked to her.. If I hear her voice.." He told them, "And now that I finished my task, I'm here to get her back and apologize for what I did."

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