Chapter 88: Just a Day

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Chapter 88:

"Uhm.. What do you want Soojungie? The Pink one or this Blue dress?" Yuri asked the little girl who is playing on the bed with only a diaper on. "Princess, Do you want Pink or Blue?" He asked again but the little girl and her brother is too busy.

Yuri sighed, He will bring the kids to his friend's house but he don't know what Krystal wants to wear.

Krystal is getting a little picky with what she wears and He can't just make her wear anything because the little girl is throwing tantrums once she didn't liked what she's wearing and it's hard to stop her.

"I need Sica's help.." He thought and called his wife.

"Babe!" Jessica answered.

"Baby, I don't know what Soojungie wants to wear." He said.

Jessica chuckled, Yuri always call her about the kids' wants and needs since she knows it better.

"Wait.." She said then called him via video. "May I see?" She asked.

Yuri showed her the dresses, "She's too busy with playing and she don't listen to me." He said.

"May I see see her?"

Yuri showed the two kids who are playing on the bed, "Kids, Mommy's here."

The kids look up and saw Jessica on the screen, "Mama!!"

"Why is My Krysie almost naked?" She asked the kids and the twins just giggled. "Uhm, Krysie.. You, Appa and Yoong will go out and see Appa's friends.. Are you excited?" She asked.


"Very good, Now.. Mommy would like to see Krysie wearing a blue dress today, Will you let Mommy see you wearing it, Krysie?" She asked and the little girl squealed in happiness.

Yuri showed her the dress and Krystal quickly reached to hold it, "Appa esh!"

"Yes, This will be your dress." Yuri sighed in relief then talked to his wife, "You're so good at handling the twins, Baby." He smiled.

"You are getting there too, Babe.." Jessica winked then laugh.

"I have to go now, We need to go out soon."

"Yeah, oh by the way.. Don't forget to fix Krystal's Hair."

"Okay, Baby.. I love you, Bye!"

"I love you too, Bye!" She said then hang up.

Yuri put the phone down and turned to Krystal, "Let's finish this." He said then dressed her up.

After so much preparations, they finally went out. Yuri drive them to one of his friends' house.

"Hi Dude!" Nichkhun greeted then saw the two kids hugging Yuri's legs. "Oh Hi!"

Yuri smiled, "Say Hi to Uncle Nichkhun. Hi!"

"Hi!" The twins wave their hands cutely.

They went in and saw Yuri's friends, "Dude!" They greeted him and was surprised to see the two kids with him. "Why did you bring the kids?" Wooyoung asked.

Yuri smiled and made the two kids sit on the couch, "No one will look after them, so I brought them with me." He said.

The guys laugh then shake their heads at him, "How will you enjoy this day if you're with them?" Junho asked, they were supposed to have a get together, they even invited some girls but now he don't know how will they enjoy their day if the two kids are there.

"These kids are really cute, You'll enjoy being with them." Yuri said while patting his kids' heads.

"Alright, Since Chansung is still out, let's have a drink first." Wooyoung said then walk to get them cans of beer.

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