Chapter 50: We Belong Together

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Since you're requesting for an update, Here it is! Hope you like it!

Chapter 50:

Taeyeon is on his way to Yuri's Hometown, He will talk to Tiffany and bring her home.

His phone rings, He look at it and found Sooyoung calling, "What is it?"

"Taeng, When are you coming back? I need you here, the project is almost done, you can now bring everyone here!"

"Cancel it, Tiffany is more important right now. Have to go now, bye." He said then hang up.

He then called Yuri to tell hi his arrival in a few minutes.

"The girls are in the living room and having a small party." Yuri informed him.

"Be there in a bit, Yul. Thank you." He said then hang up.

He sighed, Tiffany is serious in breaking up with him and he's afraid that she'll fly back in LA if He don't talk to her right now.

He arrived in front of the house of Kwon Home, He hop off the car and knock on the door.

Yuri opened the door and smiled at him, "Come in." He said then opened he door wide, "The girls just fell asleep on the floor." He said.

Taeyeon went in and saw the two girls sleeping side by side, he look at the center table and saw lots of empty bottles of soju.

"Talk to her tomorrow, She's really drunk." Yuri told him. "That's her room, you can sleep there if you want." He added.

Taeyeon nodded and carried Tiffany bridal style, Yuri run to the door and opened it for him.

Taeyeon went inside and put the red haired girl down on the bed gently. He then walk to Yuri and thanked him.

Yuri smiled, "I don't know what's happening to you but I hope you could tell her what's going on, It hurts me to see her hurting because Tiffany is like a sister to me.." He told him and he nodded.


Yuri smiled, "Goodnight."

Taeyeon then went back to the bed and laid next to Tiffany, "Don't leave me, Mushroom." He mumbled and hugged her tight.

Meanwhile, Yuri clean the whole living room after settling his drunk girlfriend inside his room.

"They will have hang over tomorrow.." He smiled then went in his room, He smile and saw his girlfriend sleeping with her arms and feet spread all over.

He crawled to the bed and gave her kisses on her cheek.

Jessica stirred in her sleep and look at him, "Hi Handsome!" She giggled then traced his face with her index finger.

Yuri smiled and kissed her lips, "Sleep now, Baby." He whispered.

Jessica smiled and hugged him tight, "We're going home tomorrow." She said.

"Yes. Goodnight, Baby. I love you." He kissed her one last time and the couple drifted to sleep.


The next morning, Tiffany woke up with a headache. She groaned and just covered herself with the blanket.

"Ah! Headache!" She kick her feet in annoyance.

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