Chapter 100: Bad Boy (M)

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Rated M update! Read at your own risk!

Chapter 100:

"Mama ate?" Yoong asked his mother while drinking milk.

"Yes, Mommy and Appa will have a date." Jessica caress his hair. She is putting the kids to sleep before they go out to prevent the twins from coming with them. "We will go back tomorrow morning, so Mommy's wish is for you two to behave the whole night."

They are inside Jessica's room in the Lee Mansion. Jessica and Yuri will spend the whole night in the beach house just near the Mansion, while Hana will accompany the kids in in the meantime.

"Ole night!" Krystal happily said and drink her milk again.

"Appa and Mommy also need sometime alone.." She told them and smiled as the kids are slowly drifting to sleep.

"Baby.." Yuri went inside her room.

"Shh." She put a hand on her lips.

Yuri nodded and tiptoed to get their bag then crawled on the bed, "I can't wait to be alone with you." He whispered and kissed his wife. "I love you." He said and get off the bed, "I'll wait for you in the living room."

Jessica made an okay sign and the tanned guy went out, Yuri was all smiles while walking down the stairs. He can't hide his happiness, this will be their first time to be totally alone and he's really excited.

"My, my, my.. My Son is smiling widely!" Hana said upon seeing him. "You look happy.. Say, are we going to expect a new addition to Our family?" She asked teasingly. Yuri blushed but didn't answer, "Make it two so they won't fight." Hana said then tap his shoulder, "Go for it, Son! Fighting!" She said and walk upstairs to Jessica's room to sleep next to the kids.

After awhile, Jessica went out and the two of them walk to the beach house.

"What do you wanna do first?" Yuri asked when they arrived in the beach house.

"Eat.. I want to have a snack first." She said.

"Okay, change now. We will go swimming after our snack and You know what's next." He smiled wickedly.

Jessica smack his arm, "Oh, The Bad Boy is here." She laugh.

Yuri who is sitting on the bed pulled her towards him, He look up as his wife is standing in front of him, "I'm a bad boy, and You'll see how bad I can get." He smirked and Jessica instantly felt hot.

"Fudge.." She massage his hair as Yuri lifted her shirt and showered her hot kisses on her tummy, "Hmm." She close her eyes and bite her lips, She's so turned on but she don't want to him to know. "Oh!!" She almost squealed as Yuri dip his tongue in her navel.

Her knees go weak as Yuri swirl his tongue in it, Jessica moaned out loud and it made her husband so proud of himself.

"Y-Yul." She called while panting.

Yuri stood up as if he did nothing. "Let's go change." He said and went inside the bathroom.

Jessica who was left on the bed sit down still feeling so hot, "He's freaking hot." She thought.

"Baby.. What are you doing? I thought you want to eat." Yuri asked and walk to the bed with only a fitted white shirt and shorts. "Or You want me to change you to your bikini?"

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