Chapter 35: Cool Hot Sweet Love (M)

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Rated M update! Read at your own risk!

Chapter 35:

Yuri is outside and having his morning jog, it is the first time after so long that he has a free time to do things like this.

"Stop it.. Stop it.." He kept mumbling. "Oh God, Why do I feel this way?" He shake his head.

He wanted to take Jessica out of his mind since he's getting turned on by just remembering about what happened during the midnight.

He just accidentally touched his girlfriend's mound while they were sleeping and suddenly felt hot. He wasn't able to sleep properly since he kept thinking about how much he wanted to touch his girlfriend.

He sighed, He didn't realize that he's been longing for some intimacy with his girlfriend since he's always busy and now that he's not occupied with work he missed having Jessica again.

His phone then rings, Taeyeon is calling him.

"Yoboseyo?" He answered.

"Babe!" He heard the angelic voice of his girlfriend, "Why did you left me?" She asked.

He went out when Jessica was still sleeping to prevent himself from asking her to do 'it' early in the morning.

"I'm just doing some exercise baby.." He said.

"Breakfast is done, come here now." She told him.

He sighed, He will see Jessica again. "Okay baby, see you." He said then hang up.

He jog back to the Apartment and saw Jessica and Tiffany in the living room fighting about something again.

"Yah, Babo!" Jessica shouted.

"Yah, You keep smacking my head and calling me babo!" Tiffany hit her head a little.

"They are in their sessions again." Taeyeon said upon seeing him.

"Baby!" He called.

Jessica look at him and smiled, "Babe!" She called and run to him. "Next time wake me up, okay?" She said with a pout.

Yuri nodded with a smile and kiss her, "I love you."

"Alright, breakfast time!" Taeyeon announced.

"Babe, can we go shopping later?" Jessica asked while they are eating.

Yuri lick his lips and thought of money again. "Baby.." He called.

Jessica sighed, "Yeah, I understand." She said.

After they eat, the couples prepared for today. Yuri look at Jessica who is lying on the bed quietly.

"Sica.." He called then crawled on the bed and sit beside her. He sighed and hugged her, "Alright, Let's go shopping.." He said.

Jessica's shopping will take a huge money from his savings but He's feeling guilty whenever he don't give her things.

"It's okay..." She told him. "I'm sorry for being selfish.." She pouted.

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