friendzone??? is not real???

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According to a majority of my male friends, I have friendzoned them. In middle school, the friendzone was like the greatest meme of all time. Countless memes of guys being told a girl would rather be friends and then they're a huge victim and calling for help because they died ...

Now I see the friendzone is complete bullshit lmfao. 

There is no friendzone because it doesn't exist. As one tweet said, "The friendzone is the fictional exile of the entitled." In other words, some guys feel that because they're nice, they deserve a relationship right off the bat. 

Like um. No.

Seriously. Why is friendship almost like a punishment to men? Why do men think they must be in a relationship with a girl? A woman's default mode isn't "sexual partner" or "partner". A woman doesn't have to be in a relationship with you!! Why is that hard to understand!!

"I can't be friends with a girl! All they do is talk and gossip!! They only talk about men!!"

"It's not like talking to my homeboys. I can't talk to a woman about the woman I want to have sex with and do!"

1) You're wrong and sexist.

2) You're wrong and sexist.

If I'm friends with you, I'm going to tell you about my problems, what I'm going through, chill with you, keep you company and etc. That's what friends do and what they're for. To hear you out and in return give advice. To chill with you. To go out and have fun. To keep you company. That's the definition of a friendship.

That's why there's a /friendship/ and a /(romantic) relationship/. 

May I also mention this also leads to women wanting a "gay best friend" which is sad in itself because they know if they talk to a guy about their problems and hang out with them, ya know like friends do, they have to worry about him being mad or irritated at them because they only want to be friends. 

It's very much possible to have a friendship with a woman if you don't assume you're gonna get a friendship with relationship qualities. If you don't assume she's going to want to be your girlfriend just because you have shown interest in her and her life, then it's very much possible to have a friendship. And if you're only being nice, not because ya know human fucking decency, but because you want to get in her pants or be more than friends from the jump, you're a dick and an asshole.

Now if you think you can't just be friends with a woman because it's not like talking to your homeboys which consists of talking about women, wanting to having sex with certain women, and what you're gonna do with women, congratulations you're sexist! ☺

It's sexist for you to assume all women do is talk about men and gossip. And it's very fucking ironic for you to say you don't want to hear a girl talk about men to you, yet here you are wanting to talk about having sex with women and all that nonsense ... Just honestly shut your mouth at that point. I'm pretty sure no woman wants to hear what you've done to other women and your sexist bullshit towards them because it's demeaning and degrading as fuck. No one's complaining about the fact you want to talk about women, it's the way you talk about them.

Assuming all women are good for are relationships, that's just internalized misogyny and sexism seeping through your entitled veins. 

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