So we all know what happened Sunday (6/12). It was all over the news. A shooting at the Orlando gay club Pulse. 53 people dead, another 53 injured. It now named the biggest mass shooting in American history. It was huge blow to LGBT+ community.
This just goes to prove that homophobia is still alive. Passing a bill that legalizes gay marriage (although gay marriage should've been legal because that is the opinion of religion, and politics and religion shouldn't mix). That's a great start. But it doesn't mean homophobia is dead. Doesn't mean the fight for equality among the LGBT+ community is over. This shooting just awoken the nation and opened our eyes to the fact that we barely accomplished equality among the community, we only scratched the surface.
This also proves that this was an act of hate. The shooter targeted this specific club, a gay club, and shot the people in the club. He knew what he was doing. He knew his objective. His objective was to murder those people in the club because their sexuality "wasn't the right one".
But do not, DO NOT, make this mass shooting about the fact that the shooter was Muslim and believed in the religion Islam. Do not make this mass shooting about the fact that the shooter was investigated twice by the FBI and pledged to ISIS the day of the shooting. Do not make this mass shooting an act of terror.
The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting and the Charleston Church Shooting weren't labeled acts of terror and to be honest I'm not even sure if the Charleston Church Shooting was labeled a hate crime. These shooters were labeled "crazy" and "in need of psychological help". Barely any coverage over the shooters were made in the well-known news stations, like CNN and NBC. But now the shooter is Muslim, and you have to dig deep in his history?
Those two shooters, white Christian men. weren't labeled terrorists, weren't labeled radical. Why don't we compare them to the KKK? Would it scare the nation? Would it prove that the majority of shootings are because of white Christians and deem Christianity as not so pure anymore? Yeah, that's exactly why.
This shooting isn't suppose to be about Islamphobia!!! He shot up a club. Now you have to be afraid of all Muslims? No damn it! Ugh this just pisses me off because there are ignorant people who think the Islam community is to blame for the shooting, and it's gonna be 9/11 all over again. The Islam community is not to blame for the shooting. Just like not all Christians think homosexuality is a sin, not all Muslims think homosexuality is a sin. The shooting is about HOMOPHOBIA, that is still alive!!! Like damn you don't see these other ignorant ass people on social media saying they're afraid of white men because of the shootings. But shit if it's somebody else not white, let it thunder and rain.
Writing this has my blood boiling so much, not only because of the ignorance the media is giving to these easily brainwashed people, but also because people actually think, not actually deny that homophobia is a true thing. I have friends who are gay and bisexual and I'm fucking scared that some shit might happen to them because someone can't fucking tolerate them. I'm not saying to accept their way of living, but you can fucking tolerate them! Killing them ain't gonna do shit, hell this is gonna encourage the LGBT+ community to work harder and make aware of such things. I'm tired of it, and I'm scared for my loved ones, and I shouldn't be. No one should be.
Feel like I'm going a bit off topic, but just remember the shooting is about the gay people who died Sunday because the shooter didn't accept them and didn't want to tolerate them. Not about that he was Muslim and now we have to hate all of them. That isn't the damn point.
A Black Girl Ranting
De TodoNo Becky and Tom, I don't have an attitude problem. That goes for you too Trey. ---- Doing advice too. So be free to ask. © Copyright Iesha07