my personal take on v-day

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Not a big fan.

Like okay it's very cute when couples go out their way to get their significant other a gift they probably been saving up their money for. It's very cute to see couples doing couple things and just enjoying themselves.

And no I'm not those people who say Valentine's Day should be every day and go on a rant about showing love 365 days a year. Like yeah it's true but having that one special day where everyone is all like just extra special in love is great. It's like an anniversary for everyone.

It's just like ,,, the thought of actually celebrating Valentine's Day because I actually have a significant other that can tolerate my anxiety, that won't be afraid of my mental breakdowns, that honestly really likes me with these flaws and won't get mad? It's just not there.

And maybe it's because Valentine's Day last year was the first time I actually did something but that whole relationship ended in flames.

And maybe it's because I'm really fucking scared the same shit will happen.

And maybe I just think I'm not cut out for relationships which only means Valentine's Day is not a thing for me. It only makes sense not to be a big fan

idk tbh. This is probably my period talking lmao I don't mean to be so sad and pessimistic but yeah. At least chocolate will be on sale tho and that's great to look forward to.

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