let's talk about r.kelly

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I'm tired of grown people acting like they didn't know R. Kelly was a pedophile.
I'm tired of the black community, once again, failing their black women whenever this dude is brought up.
I'm tired of grown ass people making excuses for grown ass people.
I'm tired of grown ass people putting responsibility on young people who are still developing mentally.

Seriously dude married Aaliyah at 15. He knew her age. Everyone knew how young she was. I don't give a damn what anyone says about her wanting to marry him, it's called MANIPULATION. She was 15, still a young girl who can easily be told things and easily be convinced they are old enough to make lifelong decisions. I also don't give a damn about it being said that she was a "hoe" and was involved with Damon Dash and Jay Z. SHE WAS STILL UNDERAGE, THEY WERE GROWN ASS MEN, THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

And for these celebrities coming out saying, "oh the industry" or "that's the industry"...


The industry can be a very horrible thing but y'all can't say shit about the industry if y'all are enjoying and benefiting off it. It's disgusting that grown men being attracted to young women is an industry thing, like what the fuck? That's not a damn excuse. He's a pedophile!!!! Period!!!

And of course it will be the black community to not support these black women in their struggle. Of course they will continuously defend this damn man after FUCKING 30 YEARS.

"These are false accusations, these girls are lying."
Oh really? R. Kelly has been falsely accused MULTIPLE TIMES for 30 years. Being falsely accused once is one thing. But countless times on the SAME THING? Y'all are just ridiculous. And HIS OWN BROTHER said his preference is young girls? But y'all still don't believe this shit? YALL. ARE. RIIIDICCCCCUUUULOUSSSSS.

DONT SCREAM SUPPORT BLACK FAMILY, DONT SAY YOURE PROBLACK IF THAT SHIT ONLY BENEFITS BLACK MEN!!! Being problack doesn't fucking mean support black men regardless of their wrongs, it's supporting black people and making them accountable for their damn actions. Supporting the black family doesn't fucking mean having that family secret, it means making sure the black family is healthy. Y'all are just ass backwards.

AND PLEASEEEE STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR THIS MAN. Yes it's very sad and horrible that he was molested as a child, but y'all are just trying to find ways not to blame him for his actions that he is very much aware of. It's like when the media says the white kid shooting up a school did it because he was mentally ill or because he was bullied as a kid ... he still shot up a school! R. Kelly is still a pedophile regardless of his past! He knows it's wrong, he knows it! He is A GROWN MAN.

Y'all rather blame the YOUNG GIRL than the GROWN MAN. How are y'all holding a YOUNG GIRL to a higher moral standing than a GROWN MAN? How are y'all saying his actions weren't right but technically wasn't wrong because the victims knew or should've knew he was a predator? Idk maybe he shouldn't be going after young girls???? Once he got control of their mind, not on some literal shit but manipulation, he controlled them and what they did and why some didn't leave. HELLO STOCKHOLM SYNDROME???? THEY ARE STILL VICTIMS???

lmfao a black woman said that btw. It be your own.


but yeah that's it. No I didn't watch the documentary bc I emotionally and mentally wouldn't be able to handle it. I didn't have to watch it bc I knew the backlash would be there. My own aunt called these girls liars and I just ,,, she has two daughters and that shit irritates me so yeah I couldn't.

more rants to come, hope you guys had a good day ❤️

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