The Stanford Rapist

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No, not the "All-Star American Swimmer". Not the "Stanford University student". He will know be known as the Stanford Rapist.

I just love, just absolutely love, how the media, ya know the source that is suppose to give the people the right information but that is of course not going to happen, calls this Brock Turner out on his swimming achievements and how great of a student he is, using that yearbook photo of him smiling with his white teeth and white privilege, saying he "sexually assaulted" the victim.

Turner past achievements has nothing to do with the present crime he committed. He was a swimmer? Congrats that swimmer is now a rapist. I don't know if they think because he was a "great" student I'm suppose to take pity on him, but I'm not. Last time I checked, Turner wasn't the one being raped behind a dumpster.

Using that yearbook photo of him? Mhmmm not gonna cut it. "Oh look he has a nice smile, how could he do such a thing?" Easy. By doing it. Use the mugshot that he took when charged with rape. He looks disoriented, crazy, and he looks like a lunatic. Ah but see that was the problem. Show that mugshot and the audience would take no pity on Turner, and say he deserved it. Show the yearbook photo and people who obviously don't know what rape can do to a person, take pity and feel bad.

"Sexually assaulted"? No Washington Post and other major media outlets she was RAPED. See to many people sexual assault is different than rape, which isn't the case because rape is a type of sexual assault. Yet when you hear a person say that someone was "sexually assaulted" you automatically think of something minor because that is how we're taught to think. Why not say he raped the victim? That's what he did. So what's the problem? Why are you defending him?

Can we also talk about this letter from his father? That letter was disgusting and more than disrespectful to the victim! He doesn't deserve such a long sentence? He has such a bright future ahead of him? 20 minutes of action doesn't mean 20 years of jail time?

He deserves the sentence! He doesn't have a bright future ahead of him anymore! He raped, RAPED, someone and his life would never be the same because of his actions. No matter if he serves the time or gets off of probation he will always be that white kid that got a slap on the wrist for ruining a young woman's life. And in his future that will create nothing but chaos because there are gonna be people out there who will want him to serve that time or even dead. How many black kids have you seen jailed but no one talks about their future because they just assume he doesn't have one? If your answer is a lot then you're absolutely correct.

The most absolute disgusting thing that came out this man's mouth was "20 minutes of action shouldn't account for 20 years of jail time". The "action" that you say is RAPE. It's not as if it's something petty. It's RAPE. He forced himself onto a unconscious girl and had sex without her consent. That is RAPE. He could've raped her for just five minutes. THAT IS STILL RAPE. if a guy lasts in sex for only three minutes, that is still sex. So 20 minutes is still rape.

Imma cut this short but lemme get one thing clear.


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