Chapter One

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Note: these chapters are about half the size of a normal chapter in "To Life Being Full." These will probably get out faster, as long as there's no original content that I fit in to make the story work.

So, it's RSVP time! Thing is, a bunch of people are a tiny bit busy . . .

Enjoy chapter one!


"Barry, we have a major problem."

In the middle of a Central City street, Barry zipped around a huge shark, avoiding his punches. "Yep, fighting it right now!"

"No, no, it's about our wedding!" Iris told him.

Barry yelped as King Shark picked him up, squeezing hard. "This is not the best time!"

King Shark tossed him into a building, sending him back through several walls. He gritted his teeth, then sped out, racing up King Shark's back, delivering one hard punch to the shark's head, knocking him out. "Well, the caterers need a final count tomorrow morning, and not everyone has RSVP'd yet," Iris informed him.

Barry panted as he collapsed on top of King Shark, then blinked in confusion. "Who hasn't RSVP'd?"


"Hey, Oliver, we gotta talk."

Oliver ignored his teammate's voice as he exchanged blows with a group of thugs in Star City. He grunted as one fist hit him in the side, then he retaliated with his bow.

"Hey! Earth-1 to my bro!"

Oliver crashed into another one of the thugs, knocking him to the ground, kicking him out with one well-aimed blow to the head. He smacked another with his bow before delivering punch after punch to him, enunciating his words with each punch. "I'm . . . a little . . . busy . . . right . . . now!"

"Well, it's not like you're dealing with Damien Darhk!" Felicity scoffed. "I mean, these are just some ninjas."

Oliver growled as he shot another thug. "If you were here, you might have a little more respect for 'just some ninjas!'"

"OK, Oliver, this is serious," Thea admonished. "I've already RSVP'd, but you haven't. Barry and Iris need to know if you and Felicity are going to their wedding."

"Me and Felicity?" Oliver repeated.

"Well, it's the two of you on the card. Aren't you and Kara still trying to see when Barry sees what's right in front of him?"

Oh, right. Oliver did remember that as he drove his bow into one thug's head and kicked two others to the ground. "Of course we're going!" he shouted as he grabbed one thug and threw him up into the lights above them, closing his eyes against sparks.

"Yes!" Felicity whooped. "So I'll RSVP yes, then?"

Oliver shot the last thug back several feet, then grumbled, "Barring further ninjas."



In England, 1183 AD, horsemen were trotting along the path when they came upon an old man in a hooded cloak, holding out a small bowl. "Please, sir," he begged. "Alms for the poor?"

"Out of the way, old man," the horseman in the lead ordered. "Royal business in Nottingham. It'll be your neck if we're late."

Arrows suddenly flew past the man, hitting some of the horseman. "It's Robin Hood!" one screeched.

A flaming arrow arced over the man, and another hooded figure came out of the forest, catching it. Sara pushed back her hood, grinning. "Not quite!" she said cheerfully, tossing the flaming arrow into another horseman's chest.

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