Chapter Six

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It's wedding time, guys!

Enjoy chapter six!


As the sun peeked through the blinds in Barry and Iris's apartment, Barry sat by the bed, watching his fiancée, soon to be wife, continue to sleep. After a few moments, he smiled fondly and sped off, Iris's curls blowing gently.


At the West house, Winn was stirred awake by the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and he forced his eyes open, hearing the sound of footsteps on carpet. He smiled faintly at Lena as she walked up, balancing three mugs in her hands. "Thank you," he whispered groggily, taking one.

"No problem," Lena smiled, going to give the second mug to James, who had just sat up.

"Hey, did Alex ever come back?" James asked, looking around.

"No," Lena shook her head, concerned. "I don't know where she ended up."


The first thing Alex was aware of when she woke up was that her head was killing her. She grimaced, reaching up to rub her forehead. She felt an arm go further around her waist, and she smiled softly, shifting so her arm was over the other.

That was when she realized the second thing – she wasn't alone in bed. And wasn't she supposed to have the couch at the West house?

She opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder, doing a double take when she saw Sara sleeping behind her. She quickly and quietly moved Sara's arm off of her, inching away from her slowly, trying to be quiet.

The next thing she knew, she collapsed on the floor in a heap. She scrambled up, grabbing her clothes and hurrying off, leaving Sara asleep.


Stein walked down the hall of his house, spotting Jax still asleep on the couch in the living room. He sighed, watching him for a moment, then started when he heard Mick's voice. "Ah, Professor!" He turned around, then balked when he saw what Mick was wearing. "Your daughter insisted I not walk around your house naked, so I found one of your dresses," Mick told him, then held up his mug. "You're out of milk."

Stein watched him go, then shook his head, trying to clear that image out of his mind. He walked off to get ready for the wedding, not noticing Jax had been awake the entire time.


Kara started when she heard a phone alarm go off, blinking rapidly to wake up quicker. The alarm turned off after the second ring, and she turned her head as Oliver removed his arm from around her waist. "Morning," she whispered.

"Morning," Oliver smiled, kissing her forehead. "I don't need to drag you out, do I?"

"Mmm, depends," Kara lazily rolled onto her back as Oliver sat up. "How're you gonna do it?"

Oliver chuckled, kissing her deeply. "Come on. If we get ready fast enough, we'll get to the church before Barry."

"And he'll still be oblivious," Kara giggled.

"Exactly," Oliver smirked, holding out his hand.

Kara laughed, taking it and letting him pull her up.


When Iris finally woke up, she was greeted with the delicious scent of fresh breakfast. She blinked sleep out of her eyes, then saw the plate by her bed: a croissant and grapes, along with a cup of coffee and a small vase of with a yellow rose. She smiled, touched, then saw the card by the plate.

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