Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Quite a bit of original content as while as episode content here. Just one more after this, then we get to the big showdown between heroes and Nazis.

Barry and Iris reunite, the Earth-38 gang regroups, Sara has something to say, Jax and Stein are witnesses to the hilarious meeting of Mick and Leo, and Caitlin has news.



Barry walked onto the bridge and sped up when he saw Iris waiting for him. "Are you OK?" he asked.

Iris sighed, hugging him tightly. "I can't even begin to answer that right now." Barry chuckled, and Iris giggled slightly. "We should be on our honeymoon."

"We should be on a beach, drinking mai tais out of coconuts," Barry agreed, grinning.

Iris laughed. "Instead, we're on this spaceship, looking for our friends' evil doppelgängers."

"We should have just eloped," Barry decided.

Iris laughed, hugging him again. "Yeah."


"So the whole reason these Nazis are invading was just to get Kara's heart?" Clark asked.

"And to conquer this Earth," Lena nodded, rubbing the back of her neck.

"But Oliver in the High Castle seemed to put his Kara first, so," Winn shrugged. "Yeah." He swallowed hard. "It's just . . . to see both of them as Nazis, and when both Olivers were aiming at their different Karas . . . " He dropped his head into his hands. "I'm glad I'm not going to be in the field facing them."

"Not only that, but Nazi versions of Malcolm and Slade?" Lena shook her head. "If they're what our Malcolm and Slade used to be like, I definitely understand why Sara reacted how she did."

"But why does Nazi Kara even need our Kara's heart?" J'onn frowned.

A sigh came from the entryway, and everyone turned to see Alex walk in, looking exhausted. "It's a . . . long story," she said, smiling faintly when Lena hugged her. "It's a long, brutal, sad story. It's basically how Oliver and Kara got together, except with Nazis, a psychopathic Laurel who betrayed the Reich making Black Arrow kill her in a completely horrifying way, and a serum made by Nazi Barry – or Blitzkrieg – that destabilized Overgirl's cells to the point too much solar radiation started to kill her."

" . . . what?" James shook his head. "Sorry, can you repeat that again? Slower this time?"

Alex sighed, sitting down by J'onn, rubbing her forehead. "It's awful."

"We've got time," J'onn put a hand on her shoulder.

Alex took a deep breath, then started from the beginning.


Sara walked into the medbay slowly, taking a look at Kara's readings. She looked like she was close to being healed, and she walked over, squeezing her hand lightly. "Oliver needs you, Kara," she whispered. "Wake up soon."

Maybe it was her imagination, but she swore she felt a light squeeze in response, but a look over Kara revealed she was still out. Sara released her hand, then walked over to Malcolm's bed. She looked long and hard at him before looking at his scans. A small smile formed when she saw Malcolm was almost completely healed, and she turned back. "Who would have ever thought we'd be here?" she asked out loud, shaking her head. "You know, if this was before everything that just happened these last few days, I would probably slit your throat." She swallowed hard. "And now I can't think of doing that after that stunt you pulled."

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