Chapter Five

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The fun continues . . . and Barry is still completely clueless. XD

Enjoy the rest of the rehearsal dinner!


Stein hurried through the doors to Jitters, finding his family and – conveniently – Jax, Lena chattering in excitement with Lily about something. "You're late, as usual," Clarissa said dryly as he joined them.

"Sorry, had to change," Stein kissed her cheek.

"Don't you have a time machine?" Lily tilted her head.

"Yes, very droll," Stein said dryly, nodding to Lena as she smirked. "Ms. Luthor."

"Ahem," Lena raised an eyebrow.

"Lena," Stein corrected. "Jefferson, I need to talk to you. Would you excuse us for a minute?"

Jax blinked, but Lena nodded and went back to talking with Lily, Clarissa getting drawn into their discussion. "Where have you been, man?" Jax asked as they headed to the back of the venue.

"Cooking," Stein answered.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure this event's catered."

"Not food," Stein shook his head, stopping underneath the staircase. "This."

Jax blinked when he saw the yellow vial Stein pulled out of his pocket. "Wait, I thought that the cure S.T.A.R. Labs made for us was a blue one, not – "

"It is," Stein nodded. "This isn't the cure. This is a molecular resequencing smart virus with non-normative reciprocal action."

Jax frowned. "Do you just make up scientific words to make yourself sound smarter?"

"The contents of this vial will rewrite your DNA and give you superpowers," Stein explained.

"Are you serious?" Jax's eyes widened. "What kind of powers?"

"Well, I extrapolated it from the genetic abilities of a Microhexura Montivaga," Stein answered. "The spruce-fir moss spider."

Jax blinked, then frowned. "You're trying to turn me into Spider-Man?"

"Well, no," Stein shook his head. "I mean, you won't be super strong and able to lift ten times your body weight, nor will you be able to shoot webs from a subdermal gland in your wrist flexor muscle."

"But I'll have spidey-sense?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

Jax narrowed his eyes. "So what powers will I have?"

"You'll be able to stick to things. Incredible adhesion, like glue. You'll just be stuck right on something, no sliding off."

"Mmm," Jax nodded sarcastically. "The spectacular Sticky-Man."

"Well, I'm sure Cisco could fashion you a more exciting sobriquet," Stein shrugged. "The important thing is, you can still have what you want. You told me, when we began our latest adventures, that all you wanted was superpowers and be able to be on the Waverider."

"Yeah, but – " Jax began, frowning.

"Now you can have both," Stein explained. "You may not be able to be Firestorm anymore, but you can still be a Legend." Jax finally scoffed, and Stein frowned. "I thought that would make you happy."

"Yeah," Jax nodded bitterly. "You would."

Stein watched Jax walk off, then looked back at the vial in his hand, only to start when he heard the sound of footsteps on the staircase behind him. "I'm sorry," Kara said apologetically as she walked down, a sheepish look on her face. "I backed up when I heard you guys talking, I didn't want to interrupt."

Nothing I Wouldn't Do For You (Book Five of The Unmatched Records)Where stories live. Discover now