Chapter Sixteen

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And here begins the Flash portion of "Crisis!" It's all episode stuff here, so no real original content except for some added characters/thought processes.

Enjoy chapter sixteen!


"So this craphole's Earth-X," Sara grumbled.

"Wells was right," Oliver looked around, already horrified by the fact they were in a prison camp.

"He usually is," Barry nodded.

"It's hard to believe a place like this actually exists, on any Earth," Alex swallowed.

"I wish I shared your sentiment," Stein sighed. "But in all my travels to distant times, one thing which sadly remains constant is men's ability to feel hatred for other men."

Jax watched Nazis march prisoners past them, and he squinted. "Stars and triangles?"

"Badges used to identify purported crimes these people have, quote on quote, 'committed' to land in here."

Barry grimaced, tugging at the collar around his neck, and Thea looked around at the prisoners surrounding them. She saw one man with short hair, then looked at the badge he wore. "What's the pink triangle for?" she asked him. "What did you do?"

He looked down at the triangle, then looked back up at her. "I loved the wrong person."

Alex gulped and looked down at that, able to guess what the prisoner meant. "We got to get out of these things," Sara looked down at her cuffs. "Transmute us out."

"With pleasure," Stein nodded, turning to Jax, and the two clasped hands.

Except there was no burst of flames signaling the merging of Firestorm. Jax and Stein looked at each other in confusion, then Barry shook his head. "I can't vibrate through them, either."

Slade sighed. "Power dampening collars."

"Which means we'll probably scream ourselves hoarse before we do something," Laurel sighed.

"Not even activated," Malcolm shook his head, peering at Alex's Wolf Howl. "They would have cut the power somehow."

"So why are we wearing them, then?" Thea looked around at those without powers.

"Doesn't matter," Sara sighed, looking around. "There's too many guards here anyways."

"They're gonna kill my sister!" Alex protested.

"No, they're not," Oliver shook his head. "We're gonna get back to our Earth before then."

"How?" Jax looked around. "We don't even know how we got here."

"No, we don't," Oliver conceded. "We're gonna figure it out, then we're gonna find a way to get out of this place, and we're gonna get back to the people we love."

Malcolm and Slade nodded in agreement, and Barry sighed. "I hope everyone else is OK."


Cisco jerked slightly when he heard a banging sound nearby, and he groaned. "What?"

"Rip Van Ramon awakens!" Harry announced dramatically from the next cell over, continuing to bounce his ball against the wall.

Cisco turned his head, then frowned, realizing his face was against glass. He backed up slightly, frowning when he saw where he was. "This doesn't look like a wedding."

He heard a muffled Canary Cry from a few cells over, then heard James call from above. "You missed quite a bit, Cisco!"

"All you need to know," Harry continued bouncing his ball, "is that you are locked in one of your fabulous anti-metahuman cells with the rest of us, and we can't escape."

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