Chapter Thirty

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I think this is the longest chapter in the book, because there was no way I was gonna split up the final battle.

Enjoy the heroes vs the Nazis!


Overgirl growled as the Wellenreither descended upon Central City. "Let them run," she sneered in delight, firing on the citizens. "We'll turn this city into a mausoleum!"

As Overgirl rained down hell from above, Black Arrow, the Terminator, and the Magician led their troops into battle, killing everyone who tried to stand in their way. Black Arrow had just cut down two of the police officers who tried to fight when something caught his eye.

Oliver, Barry, Sara, Slade, Malcolm, Laurel, and Alex were the first through the smoke, then the rest of the ground heroes formed up behind them: Curtis, Amaya, Rene, James, Nate, Thea, Mick, Leo, Zari, and Dinah. Sara, Laurel, and Alex fell back slightly so Oliver, Barry, Slade, and Malcolm were in the very front, ready to take on their doppelgängers and nemesis.

Black Arrow snarled angrily. "Kill them all!" he ordered.

"Yes, Führer!" the Nazis responded as Black Arrow readied his bow by his side, the Terminator and the Magician doing the same with their weapons.

Opposite them, Slade drew his sword as Malcolm swung his bow over his shoulder, drawing his sword as well. Behind them, Nate's skin turned to steel as James's shield formed, Dinah snapping her staff to full length. As the Nazis approached, Oliver looked up when he heard a sharp crack in the air. Kara descended to hover above between him and Barry, J'onn flying down and stopping at her left, Clark on her right. Firestorm and Palmer were next to fly down on either side of the aliens, and Terrill and Caitlin soared down behind them.

They exchanged nods, and Oliver took a deep breath, turning back to the Nazis. "Cry havoc," he muttered.

"Let loose the dogs of war," Malcolm finished.

Oliver nodded, and as the Nazis raised their guns, the four in front charged forward, Kara zooming after them. From there, it was a mess of bodies and weapons as everyone rushed into battle.


J'onn's attention was drawn by Nazis tossing grenades and firing into civilians in a park nearby. He dove down and flung two Nazis into the street, where Thea was quick to shoot arrows into them. Rene ran past J'onn to a little boy lost in the smoke, and he picked him up, firing at the Nazis as he carried the boy to safety.

Mick aimed his flamethrower at a Nazi approaching, and he fired, bringing the Nazi down. "Excuse me!" Leo huffed, storming up to him. "You can't just go around roasting people!"

"Why not?" Mick scowled.

"You ever heard of due process? Rule of law?"

Mick just turned around to go find more Nazis to roast. "No!"


Sara shot one Nazi in the chest, then grabbed another and flipped him around, swinging her gun into his head. She spun around as another Nazi approached, then dropped to the ground. Keeping one hand flat on the grass, she swiveled, using kicking his legs out from under him. She stood up and pivoted again, driving the heel of her boot into the Nazi's helmet, sending him crashing to the ground.

She paused when she saw more Nazis approaching her, then grimaced and bent over double, holding her ears when not one, not two, but three sonic blasts hit them. When she looked up again, Alex, Laurel, and Dinah had dove into the fray, and Sara had the pleasure of watching the Black Squad demolish all of them.

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