Chapter Ten

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You know, at the rate I'm going, half of this book is going to be original scenes. Seriously, over half of this chapter is. Well, as long as I update, you guys are probably happy.

The Earth-Xers get the news, and the heroes regroup at S.T.A.R. Labs to discover what's going on.


Oliver looked down at the blinking signal in his hand, watching the SS symbol flash red repeatedly. When the red light never came back and the beeping ended, he closed his eyes, closing his hand around the signal. "He's gone," he said blankly.

Behind him, Wells turned around to look at him. "Who? Merlyn?"

Kara walked out from where she had been waiting, looking in concern over at Oliver. "The biosensor in his suit indicates his heart stopped," Oliver confirmed.

Kara closed her eyes sadly, then Wells scoffed. "He always seemed kind of soft to me."

Kara walked forward slowly, seeing how tense Oliver was. "Oliver?" she asked quietly.

"He died for you," he told her, making her stop short. "And we will make his death worthwhile."

"That doesn't change the fact that now we're down a man," Wells reminded him.

Kara shot him a warning look as Oliver growled angrily. "Keep your focus where it belongs, and get to work on locating that prism!"

"Watch your tone," Wells narrowed his eyes. "Or I'll watch it for you."

Oliver turned to Wells, narrowing his own eyes, then lashed out, pushing Wells against the wall, drawing one of his arrows and pointing it at his throat. "Oliver!" Kara cried.

"Did you just tell me to watch my tone?" Oliver seethed as Wells coughed.

"You're angry," Wells smirked. "And I like it."

"Don't you mock me!" Oliver yelled.

"Don't threaten me," Wells countered. "Or have you forgotten?" He lifted his hand, and Oliver gave it a quick glance when it started vibrating. "I can end your life before you birth your next thought."

Oliver held his ground, narrowing his eyes at Wells. He wasn't going to move. He didn't need to.

His faith was rewarded when before Wells could move further than an inch, a black-gloved hand grabbed his wrist. "Try it once I break every bone in your body," Kara hissed angrily, and Oliver smirked when he heard the sound of bones breaking.

Wells sighed. "OK, we're all a little emotional. Here's what I suggest: I will stop vibrating my hand, you stop breaking my wrist, and you . . . be ten percent less brooding."

Wells stopped vibrating his hand, and Oliver narrowed his eyes, backing away. When he dropped his arrow, letting it clatter on the concrete, Kara threw Wells's hand away from her. "We accomplish nothing by arguing amongst ourselves," she told them.

"It's the accomplishing nothing that has me concerned," Wells ground out. "We came here to conquer this Earth! Or have you forgotten?"

"Locate the Prism," Oliver glared at him. "Please." Wells huffed, cradling his wrist in his hand. "Once we have identified the location of the target, I will devise a plan of attack."

Wells shot both of them nasty looks, but walked out without another word. Kara watched him go, then turned to Oliver. "I'm sorry about Tommy," she said quietly. "You were closer to him than I ever could have been."

"He should've died in the church before he allowed himself to be captured," Oliver shook his head, turning to look at her. "Kara, we need that Prism. We are running out of time."

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