Chapter Twenty-Six

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Big team-up versus Metallo, and Kara reunites with her Oliver . . . ish.



Seething, Oliver stepped over the broken glass on the floor, reaching up for Kara's mask. He gently removed it, cupping her face. "We have a problem," he told her softly. "I need you to wake up, Kara."

Thawne sped into the room, and Oliver tensed, turning to him. "The General is no longer safe here," he said.

"I'm well aware," Oliver narrowed his eyes. "Retreat to the troop carrier and prepare for the invasion."

"Without you?"

"I'm staying," Oliver growled. "Supergirl is not leaving here alive!"

"Do not make it personal," Thawne warned. "That is not a good idea."

"Are you questioning your Führer's orders?" a voice asked coldly.

Both looked down to see Kara glaring at Thawne. "Of course not," Thawne finally said, then tilted his head. "General."

Kara scowled at him, and Thawne took his cue to speed off. Oliver walked to her side, squeezing her hand. "Stay here," he told her. "Stay safe." He narrowed his eyes. "And I'll be back for you with her heart."

Kara nodded slightly, and Oliver stormed off, reaching for his comms to call Malcolm and Slade.


"So this is Earth-1," Leo mused, looking around as they walked out of the breach. "Cute."

"We need to find Kara," Alex said.

"Then we need to split up," Oliver turned. "Sara, Thea, Leo, get Malcolm to the Waverider. Barry, Ray, Firestorm, Siren, find the others. Slade, Alex, keep an eye out for your doppelgänger and Malcolm's."


"I got Supergirl!" Palmer said over the comms.

"I got Group B," Nate answered, turning as everyone got their weapons back.

"You're late," Mick grumbled.

"Ah, don't mind him," Dinah growled. "He's just pissy 'cause he came out of a steel box."

"Actually, he's always like this," Amaya smirked.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Lena glowered, making Harry snort.

The glass shattered above them, and Nate spun around, holding up his energy gun as Rene drew both his pistols. Zari balked when she saw the giant metal robot standing up, its centerpiece glowing green. "What the hell?!"

"Metallo?" James's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Who now?" Cisco blinked.

"I hate this guy," Lena narrowed her eyes.


Winn peeked through the doorway, then turned as Ray helped Kara up the stairs. "How much further?" he asked.

"Waverider's on the roof," he answered.

"So how did you get involved in all this?" Winn asked, taking Kara's other arm. "I mean, aside from the fancy techy suit."

"I used to date Felicity."

"Oh," Winn blinked. "That's . . . awkward."

"Ah!" Kara hissed as they walked down a set of stairs.

"Careful!" Winn adjusted his hold on her.

"Yeah, Oliver got the girl, I got a life of adventure on a time-traveling spaceship," Ray nodded.

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