Chapter Twenty-One

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Quite a bit of original content in this one! There's the Jax and Stein conversation plus the Alex and Sara one, but there are a few more interactions, because if they're talking, why is no one else? So I made them talk.

So Sara gives a good pep talk, settles things with someone, and Thea is a good sister, but we all knew that, didn't we?.



Jax walked around the Freedom Fighters base, looking for anything that could help them escape, when he heard a voice he really didn't want to hear behind him. "You know, I'm getting the feeling you don't like me very much."

Jax groaned, closing his eyes. He didn't need this right now. "Oh, go away."

"Oh, now I definitely know you don't like me," Malcolm quipped, though he did keep his distance, even as he followed Jax around. "I'd even say you're avoiding me. Is this because of the whole supervillain thing?"

"Yeah, maybe it is," Jax kept his back to the man.

"Hmm. I'd believe that . . . if you didn't seem at ease with Slade and Laurel. So I don't think it's the supervillain thing."

"Do you ever shut up?" Jax finally glared at him.

"If I need to," Malcolm quipped. "But considering we could be attempting a suicide run on a gateway to get back to my little sister, I'd like to know why you avoid so much as even looking at me."

Jax scoffed, turning back around. "I don't have time for this."

"Really? Because we're not going anywhere. And since I've never even met you before – "

"That's because you don't remember!" Jax burst out angrily, spinning around. "That's the problem!"

"I don't remember?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "I think I would."

"Because Sara wiped your mind afterwards," Jax scowled, folding his arms.

"Of course she did," Malcolm sighed. "Great. What did I do? I assume something dangerous to the timeline or whatever."

"You want to know what you did?" Jax narrowed his eyes. "Fine. You were recruited by Eobard Thawne and Damien Darhk to find a spear that could rewrite reality. And you guys succeeded, after you found a version of Leonard Snart before he died." Malcolm blinked, opening his mouth, but Jax plowed on. "You rewrote reality and turned all of us into your . . . minions, is the only word I can describe it. And the only reason I'm standing here right now is because the Legends that survived that future came back to the current team to try and stop it from happening. You know who wasn't with them? Amaya, Ray . . . and Grey."

Malcolm swallowed. "Jax – "

"You, Darhk, and Snart showed up to fight us," Jax continued. "And you know what you did? Shot Grey and I out of the sky, and you were about to kill him when the other version of me jumped in front of Grey. You killed him." Malcolm blanched, and Jax shook his head. "So excuse me for not wanting to trust the man who tried to kill Grey."

Jax guessed he had the rare pleasure at seeing Malcolm speechless as the assassin tried to come up with something to say. Malcolm finally swallowed and managed to speak again. "Do you know when exactly this was?"

Jax thought, then shook his head. "Your hand was cut off by then, I know that."

Malcolm closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, pacing. "After Oliver beat me, then." He scoffed softly. "And before Lian Yu." He turned around. "Jax, I don't know how I can apologize if I can't remember – "

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