Chapter Fourteen

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I love fight scenes. I honestly do. But why do they take so damn long to write?!

*huffs* Anyway, the heroes go to war with the Nazis!

Enjoy chapter fourteen!


Oliver, Thea, Malcolm, and Laurel walked up to where Alex, Slade, and Sara were walking up. "Supergirl and Firestorm are sweeping the perimeter," Oliver told them.

Barry ran back behind them, joining the line. "It's done. It's wall-to-wall Nazis in there."

"Alex, Thea, and I will take up breach positions on the northwest corner," Sara said, then smirked at the other girls. "If that's OK with you."

"As long as these three behave," Alex nodded her head towards Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel.

"I take it that means no counting how many Nazis we've taken out?" Malcolm asked sarcastically.

Laurel rolled her eyes. "Now, what gave you that idea?"

"Can we focus on the fact that we're walking into a building that more than likely has a sub-light generator that could already be converted into some kind of superweapon?" Thea glared at them.

"Speaking of super," Barry sighed. "Theirs is our biggest threat."

"Agreed," Oliver nodded, not seeming happy with the idea that meant he had to take down his girlfriend's doppelgänger, even if she was a Nazi. "Let's take her out first."

The others nodded as Kara and Firestorm flew overhead, heading for the base.


Winn sighed as he paced the cortex, mumbling under his breath. "Hey," Lena looked up from where she and Felicity were watching the console. "They're gonna be OK."

"I know," Winn sighed, turning around, scratching the back of his head as Iris walked in. "It's just . . . I doubt their Nazi selves care about pummeling on our versions of Oliver and Kara, but . . . do you really think Oliver and Kara will be OK fighting . . . well, themselves? Or Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel?"

"The way I'm looking at it is that if Malcolm and Slade still want to punch Oliver at all, they have the perfect opportunity to," Felicity shrugged.

"Hey, they've got this," Iris told them. "It's gonna be OK."

"God, I hope so," Winn sighed, finally sitting down in his chair.

He quickly jumped back up when Mick trudged in, sandwich in hand. "Mustard!" the arsonist shouted through a full mouth. "You people have breaches, but no mustard?"

"Um," Iris blinked, turning around. "What are you even doing here?"

"Yeah, why didn't you go with them?" Felicity asked.

Mick frowned. "Go where?"


Oliver and Slade made their way into the base, Malcolm and Laurel behind them. Oliver held up a hand when he heard voices, and the four of them turned the corner, coming face to face with several Nazi soldiers, all of them aiming at them.

Before any of them could make a move, dark yellow lightning zipped around, throwing Nazis every which way. Barry reappeared in the middle of flying papers, looking around at his work. "Couldn't have left some for us?" Oliver raised an eyebrow as they walked over to join them.

"I'm saving Nazi you for you," Barry snorted. "The rest of them need to work for it."

"Oh, so we are counting?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow.

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