Chapter Eleven

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OK, this stuff is more going along with the actual episode, so it's a bit shorter. Still, I left it off at a very good place (I think).

Enjoy chapter eleven!


"Felicity's got her friend working on Palmer Technology's spectrometry satellites," Jax told Caitlin, Harry, Lena, and Winn as they worked back in the labs.

"OK, but what about the Waverider?" Caitlin asked. "I mean, a time traveling spaceship must have some sort of tracking technology that we can use."

"Yeah, not exactly," Jax winced. "It's, uh . . . it's in the Stone Age."

"How could a time ship be in the stone age?" Winn wondered, only to blink. "Oh, you mean . . . he means literally in the Stone Age, OK."

"Well, parallel Earth jumping is kind of Cisco's specialty," Caitlin sighed.

"And since he's so busy being unconscious right now, I guess we're on our own," Harry huffed.

Jax looked up from what he was doing, and he nodded at Stein walked in. "Oh, perfect timing, man. We're trying to find the guys from Earth-X and we're coming up with nothing."

Stein sighed. "I'm sorry, would you excuse us for a moment?"

Jax tensed slightly, and Harry blinked. "Happily," he nodded as Winn hurriedly backed out. "We don't want to step on whatever – "

"Come on," Lena grabbed Harry by the elbow.

"Awkward, awkward thing – "

"It's not about you!" Lena hissed, tugging him after her as Caitlin hurried out.

"That is."

Jax watched the two leave in amusement before sighing and turning to Stein. "Grey, we got Nazis from a parallel Earth running around. We don't have time for – "

"Which is precisely why we cannot afford to be at odds with each other right now," Stein walked forward. "I hardly need a psychic connection to know that you're upset with me, but I could stand to know why!"

"Just forget about it, man," Jax sighed, turning around.

"It would make some sense if my decision to be with my family forced you to leave the Waverider, but I – I accounted for that variable, and yet you're still upset."

"You just don't get it!" Jax spun back around, glaring at him.

"No, I don't get it," Stein snapped in agreement. "My retirement requires you to give up nothing!"

"It requires me to give up you, Grey!" Jax finally burst out, making Stein do a double take and stare at him, surprised. "Look, I thought I made my peace with it. I thought 'OK, fine, I'll stay on the Waverider. Maybe I can't be Firestorm, but I can still be a Legend.' But then it hit me. I still can't be Firestorm and I can't be a Legend with you." Stein stayed silent as Jax walked closer to him. "I never knew my father, but I got to know you. You're the closest thing I've got to a dad, and now you're leaving."

Stein swallowed hard as Jax left, and he turned to stop him, but Jax was long gone by the time he turned.


Alex walked out of the S.T.A.R. Labs elevator and would have missed Sara had the assassin not greeted her with, "Hey!"

Alex blinked and turned around. "Hey," she answered.

"How are you?" Sara tilted her head.

"Um . . . " Alex took a deep breath. "Punching Nazis, that was definitely as satisfying as I imagined it would be. It's . . . " She sighed.

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