Chapter Three

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This one's a bit shorter, but I didn't want to split up the rehearsal dinner to make this longer. Still, this isn't too bad.

Cisco and Harry have a gift for Firestorm, the time travelers meet one of the Earth-38ers, and Stein and Caitlin recall fond memories.

Enjoy chapter three!


"I call it . . . " Cisco grinned and removed a blue vial from his machine. "The calm after the Firestorm."

"What is it?" Jax asked from where he sat with Stein.

"It's efficient decelerating serum," Harry answered as Cisco handed the vial to Stein.

The elder half of Firestorm stammered in shock, looking at it. "It – it – it's a cure?!" Cisco and Harry both smiled in answer. "We've spent months trying to devise a solution to neutralize the Firestorm matrix!"

"Uh, separate ourselves without blowing up," Jax clarified.

"Or switching bodies," Harry smirked. "We read your notes. Although," he frowned at Stein, "why you wouldn't want to switch bodies with him is beyond me."

"What Squidward here means to say," Cisco threw Harry a look, getting an exasperated one in reply, "is we took the data you extrapolated from Newton and Curie and Galileo Hacks, every one of them, and we ran it through a Conway class nucleo-dynamic synthesizer." He grinned, but Stein and Jax both stared at him blankly, making him huff. "Hold your applause, I only built it myself."

"First off, nobody was clapping," Harry snorted. "Second, that explains why it couldn't splice a proton for a neutrino field."

Cisco scowled when Harry started snickering. "I'll splice the proton from your neutrino field!"

"Fields," Harry corrected. "I've got a million fields."

"Really? Are all your fields this unbearable?"

"Gentlemen!" Stein stood up, interrupting them. "We appreciate your efforts, but how do you account for the destabilization of the Firestorm matrix?"

"We trick it," both answered at the same time.

Stein's eyes widened. "Quark spheres," he breathed, even as Jax blinked, still confused. "They'll convince the matrix that our genetic codes are connected when, in actuality, they're not. That's genius!"

"And you're sure this'll work?" Jax asked. "No powers for either of us?"

"Guaranteed to put out the fire in Firestorm," Cisco nodded.

"One of you takes it – " Harry began.

"Boom, you're back to your old selves," Cisco finished.

"No offense," Harry added to Stein.

Stein looked down at the vial in shock, then cleared his throat. "Uh, just to be safe, I'd like to have Gideon run some tests, calculate dosage. We could take this directly after the ceremony!" he told Jax excitedly. "I can't wait to tell Clarissa and Lily that I'm finally coming home! This is fantastic news, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's great," Jax quickly plastered a smile on his face. "It's . . . everything we wanted, so . . . thanks, guys."

"You're welcome," both answered.

A knock on the door made all four tense. "Am I interrupting anything?"

Stein and Jax turned at the unfamiliar voice, and Harry and Cisco both turned as Lena cautiously poked her head in. "Oh, hey!" Cisco brightened. "There's the CEO genius of Team Supergirl!"

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