Chapter Twenty-Three

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I finally got my religion paper done at 6:15 this morning, and as such, I got to sleep in, and only had one class for the day. After a long nap, I felt like celebrating. Thus, here we are!

Team Tech tries to stand strong, and Oliver and Malcolm find someone on Earth-X neither expected.



The dark of the cortex, the only light coming from a few flashing lights, made Thawne more intimidating as Iris, Felicity, Lena, and Winn were held by Nazis, watched over by the Magician. Thawne was walking around, tapping on a tablet, when Black Arrow approached, looking extremely annoyed. "Report," he ordered.

"Good news," Thawne answered, not looking up. "The Wellenreiter's made the transition to this Earth."

"Kara is all that matters," Black Arrow narrowed his eyes.

Thawne finally looked up. "That red sunlight we're flooding her with? That's burning off. So pretty soon, her cells will be so desaturated, we cannot perform the surgery."

"Fix it," Black Arrow looked at him.

Thawne sighed. "I can't."

Black Arrow scowled. "This is your city. This is your facility. So turn the power back on!"

"I can't," Thawne walked up to him, showing him the tablet he was working on, everything flashing red. "Because the system has been encrypted."

"By who?" Black Arrow narrowed his eyes.

Thawne turned, smirking, and found the terrified gaze of Felicity. "By Miss Smoak."


Oliver paced the floor of the base, and Malcolm had to use every technique the League had taught him to not say something snarky about him being impatient. When Oliver finally stopped, his back to the other Nazi officers, the Sturmbannführer looked up and asked, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, that'll be all," Oliver shook his head.

"Very well," the Sturmbannführer nodded, turning away, then paused. "Before I go, I have something for you, mein Führer, General Merlyn." Both turned around, raising eyebrows, and he explained. "A gift, to celebrate your return." Oliver nodded, wondering what he could possibly have, and the Sturmbannführer turned and shouted, "Guard!"

One of the doors to the facility opened, and Oliver frowned when he heard the sound of a woman thrashing. He heard Malcolm sharply inhale as quietly as he could next to him, and he barely refrained from gasping himself when he saw who was deposited on the ground in front of him.

"Well, I know how much the New Reichsmen enjoy executing rule breakers, and this one has broken many of them," the Sturmbannführer explained while Oliver and Malcolm stared down at the Earth-X doppelgänger of Maggie Sawyer, who was looking up at them defiantly. "We discovered this . . . filth . . . handing her rations to the work camp children. Strictly against camp rules, of course."

"Those children were starving," Maggie held her head high, even though her voice sounded very hoarse.

The Sturmbannführer scoffed, turning and handing Oliver a pistol. He stepped forward, looking her over, internally admiring Maggie's confidence, even when she was locked away in a Nazi prison camp. "Do you know why I chose her, mein Führer?" the Sturmbannführer asked.

"Get to the point," Malcolm ordered, staring Maggie down as well.

The Sturmbannführer huffed. "The General's adoptive sister was caught with . . . her, which pleased her to no end. I believe she would be pleased to hear that the ex-fiancée of her doppelgänger's sister was finally put down."

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