Chapter Fifteen

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This chapter was actually kind of hard to write. It sticks to the scenes at the end of the episode, but with four additional heroes, two additional Nazis, and another relationship to insert in? It was a bit difficult.

Still, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


Oliver woke with a start and immediately regretted it, wincing when he felt how sore he was. He took a moment to take a breath, then asked, "Is everyone all right?"

"We're gonna have to work on your definition of 'all right,' Oliver," Sara responded dryly from his left.

"Fine, kid," Slade answered further down the line.

"I'm gonna use Quentin's words," Thea added from somewhere on Oliver's right. "A little north of pissed off."

"Yep, that makes two of us," Malcolm grimaced.

"Three," Laurel chimed in.

"Yo, Grey!" Jax shouted. "You good?"

"It seems my retirement was somewhat tardy," Stein grumbled, but other than that, he sounded fine.

Kara whimpered slightly as she sat up. "Kara?" Oliver asked quietly.

"Can I please have one year when I don't get hit by Kryptonite?" she seethed, trying to move her shoulder. "Ow!"

"Well, I guess that proves a theory." Oliver tensed when he heard Malcolm's voice, but not his, and he looked up to see the Magician walk up, take off the veil covering his head, and deactivate the mask covering his face. He found himself looking right into Malcolm's cold eyes. "You are weaker than her."

Malcolm growled in annoyance. "Now I really know what it's like to see yourself in the mirror."

The Magician snorted. "At least I wasn't the cause of my son's death."

Slade snarled in his defense. "Says the one who was perfectly capable of being there to prevent his."

"I'd have thought you'd have been right there in the church with him," Laurel smirked. "Or were you too much a coward to even join?"

The Magician's eyes turned even colder as he slowly turned to Laurel. Something flashed from his hand, and Laurel cried out in pain when a knife pierced her collarbone, just narrowly missing her neck. "Laurel!" Sara shouted.

"You don't get to even speak about him," the Magician seethed, narrowing his eyes at Laurel. "Don't you even open your mouth again."

"What did she ever do to you?" Alex snapped.

The Magician just sneered, and anything else he would have said was cut off by slow clapping from above them. Everyone twisted to see Thawne walk up, cowl and mask off. "Well, here we are," he grinned smugly, chuckling. "This is fun. For me," he added, turning to Barry. "Not so much for you. All the times you've killed me, and now here all I have to do is kill you once."

"Don't tell me you're gonna monologue," the Magician scowled.

"You had your moment," Thawne narrowed his eyes. "Let me have mine."

"Well, at least you two don't get along, it looks like," Sara snorted.

Malcolm blinked, looking at her. "When did I ever get along with a speedster?" He twisted, trying to see to Barry. "No offense!"

"Not sure if it's taken or not!" Barry rolled his eyes.

"Enough, you two!" Overgirl's voice shouted, making both of them turn as she walked up. "Enough."

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