Chapter Eighteen

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It is not good to work on homework with a pounding migraine. And yet somehow, I managed to finally write this out. Well, that's one thing accomplished, at least!

I'll say this once again - schoolwork is taking priority now, especially since midterm is approaching, and that'll mean tests that are super important to my grades. Please be patient with me if this story takes this long to update again. I would rather score good grades and take a break in uploading this than upload constantly and say I couldn't pass a class with the excuse of "I was writing fanfiction." I don't think that would make my teachers like me very much.

Anyway, Team Tech start to plan, and Supergirl and Overgirl have a bit of a chat. It doesn't go the exact same way in the episode.



If Thawne didn't hurry up and do the surgery already, Kara's heart was going to pound so quickly it would burst, and he wouldn't even get the chance to save Overgirl.

Kara stared up into the red light shining down on her, her teeth sunk into her lip to keep from crying. Rao, this was so much worse than Cadmus. At least all Cadmus had was green Kryptonite to hurt her. Here, a red sun was rendering her completely vulnerable, and anything could hurt her now. And Thawne was going to cut her open, take her heart . . . make her bleed.

A whimper escaped her as she weakly tried to get off the bed again, but the restraints held her back. She closed her eyes, swallowing hard.

"You're looking more human." Kara took a deep breath before opening her eyes, seeing Overgirl look her over. "Scared, helpless, pathetic . . . inferior."

Kara glared at her. "We're not that different from them."

"Oh, please!" Overgirl scoffed, walking towards the foot of her bed. "We're everything they want to be. Blonde, white." She turned around, smirking arrogantly and holding out her arms. "Aryan perfection."

"I'm not like you," Kara glared. Now she had an outlet for emotions, and if it was arguing with her Nazi doppelgänger, so be it. At least she was a distraction. "I don't think I'm better than everyone else."

"You should," Overgirl tilted her head. "You are. You're a god to them. You could have been living like one."

Kara snorted. "Like you?"

"Yes, like me!" Overgirl laughed, putting her hands on her hips. "They want someone to bow to, to worship, to lead."

It was such a pose similar to one Kara used herself, but to see it on her evil self just looked so wrong, it made Kara taste bile in her mouth. "What you're doing is not leading," she shook her head. "It's ruling."

Overgirl nodded in agreement, watching Kara struggle again. "Yes, it is," she agreed. "They're like ants, Kara."

"They shouldn't fear us for what we can do," Kara told her. "They should rely on us when they need us."

Overgirl growled, holding up a hand. "Oh, spare me the Good Samaritan crap."

Kara glared at her as she walked around to the other side of the bed. "I'm not gonna take advantage of anyone just because I can."

Overgirl narrowed her eyes, walking over to her. "The world isn't made better by protecting the weak. It's made better by getting rid of them." Kara stared at her, not giving her a reaction, and Overgirl scoffed. "You really are pathetic. You know, I saw you at the wedding. You . . . and Oliver." Kara tensed, and Overgirl smirked. "Well, that got a reaction. Please. I don't know how your Flash never noticed. It was obvious."

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