Chapter Thirty-One

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Majority of this is original content, so I hope you guys enjoy!


"That," Alex nearly collapsed in her chair at S.T.A.R. Labs, "was the scariest thing I have ever seen."

"Yeah," Caitlin let out her breath in a rush as she and Lena joined her. "I knew Overgirl would go nuclear, but for Kara to have gotten caught up in it . . . "

"I think Oliver, Slade, and Malcolm would have slaughtered every remaining Nazi if she had died," Lena shuddered.

"At least they'd be gone," Caitlin shrugged.

Alex nodded absently, then looked up when Stein walked into the room. "Professor," she smiled. "How are you?"

"Absolutely delighted those monsters are no longer on this Earth," Stein nodded. "But, ah . . . I would like to ask for a favor of all of you."

"All of us?" Lena repeated, blinking.

"What is it?" Caitlin asked, only to watch in surprise as Palmer and Harry entered as well.

Stein took a deep breath. "It's going to take all of us for this. I need your help."


"Thank you both," Barry told Terrill and Leo gratefully. "This world owes you a lot."

"Well, it's my world, too, so," Terrill shrugged.

"And punching out Nazis is kind of our thing," Leo grinned.

"Well, if you ever need us to do any punching over on Earth-X, just let us know," Barry smiled.

"Will do," Terrill nodded, holding out his hand. "Take care, Barry."

"Take care, Ray," Barry smiled, shaking his hand.

He turned to Leo, expecting the same thing. He didn't expect him to walk over, hold out his arms, and declare, "Barry, I need a hug."

"OK," Barry blinked in surprise, but went for it, hugging Leo. "Be good, Leo."

"Always," he smiled.

"I'm gonna get ready to meet the others," Barry turned to Cisco, walking up the steps. "You got this?"

"Yeah," Cisco nodded, and Barry patted him on the shoulder as he left. Cisco stood from where he was sitting on the steps, clearing his throat and walking down to join them. "All right, fellas. You ready to go home?"

"Sure," Terrill nodded. "So, uh . . . how does this thing work?"

"Ah, it's a very complex two-part process," Cisco nodded, completely serious. "One: I open a breach. Two: you walk through it."

Terrill blinked, and Cisco grinned, clapping him on the shoulder. "Cool," he mumbled, walking forward to join Cisco. He stopped, however, when Leo put a hand on his arm. "Leo?" he asked.

"I think I'm gonna stick around here for a little while," Leo told him, and when Terrill blanched in shock, Leo put a hand on his heart. "I won't stay here forever. I will come home to you. Promise."

Terrill took a deep breath, then nodded. "OK."

Leo kissed him softly, then whispered, "I love you."

"I love you," Terrill whispered back, then turned and nodded at Cisco.

He nodded back and opened a breach. He stopped by Cisco's side, and the two exchanged nods, and Terrill stepped forward and through the breach back to Earth-X.

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